uvm_do更多的是用在一个父sequence对子sequence的启动上:父sequence的do函数会被执行,同时不需要执行子sequence的pre_body()和post_body()。 之所以建议用start(),是因为宏尽管便利,但会隐藏掉一些必要的信息,比如不了解uvm_do宏展开的工程师,他就不知道...
uvm_do更多的是用在一个父sequence对子sequence的启动上:父sequence的do函数会被执行,同时不需要执行子sequence的pre_body()和post_body()。 之所以建议用start(),是因为宏尽管便利,但会隐藏掉一些必要的信息,比如不了解uvm_do宏展开的工程师,他就不知道pre_body()和post_body()为什么不会被执行;而如果用start(...
This course covers UVM1.2 but can also be used for UVM1.1d. The differences between the two versions are minor, and the new UVM1.2 content is clearly labeled in the course. This version of the class teaches a methodology compatible with hardware acceleration. See the video "Future-Proof Your...
\`uvm_field_object(header, UVM_ALL_ON) \`uvm_field_enum(parity_type, UVM_ALL_ON) \`uvm_field_int(parity, UVM_ALL_ON) \`uvm_field_array_int(parity_delay, UVM_ALL_ON) \`uvm_field_array_int(payload, UVM_ALL_ON) \`uvm_object_utils_end ...
Some singleton class examples in UVM: uvm_factory, uvm_config_db, uvm_phase,uvm_root Difference between always_comb & always @(*) 1. always_comb executes at time zero to make sure output is consistent with input; 2. always @(*) can result in an incompletesensitivitylist if the functions...
Base class handles can only access data members and methods that are declared in the base class, even if an extended handle, with additional data members and methods, is copied to the base class handle. (So, p sequencer can be useful if we define something that is not in uvm_sequencer ...
UVM_LOVEDec 06, 2024SystemVerilog Ask a SystemVerilog Question Block Container - Introduction SystemVerilog Introduction At its core, SystemVerilog enables engineers to describe the behavior and structure of digital circuits. It allows for the definition of modules, which are encapsulated units of func...
14`uvm_do(m_trans) 15get_response(rsp);// 16`uvm_info("seq","get one response", UVM_MEDIUM) 17rsp.print(); 18end 或repeat(10)begin `uvm_create(m_trans)//可以利用uvm_create和uvm_send的优点 //assert(ip_tr.randomize() with {ip_tr.src_ip == 'h9999; ip_tr.dest_ip == 'h...
The uvm_recorder gets its tr_handle from uvm_transaction before being called. The do_record code relies on this being set properly. This is a general problem with the API. An opened transaction will not be closed or have attributes added until later in simulation. During this time the open...