`define增强SystemVerilog中扩展了`define的功能,代替了宏定义的功能。 3.2.1 字符串中的宏变元替换(Macroargument substitution within strings)Verilog的`define宏定义中可以用( ” ),则引号中的文字变成了文字型字符串。 这就意味着,Verilog不能建立含有宏变元的字符串。 如下例所示,不能按原本意愿展开。 `defin...
Data types can be used to declare data objects or to define user-defined data types that are constructed from other data types. ? integer types ? 2-state - can simulate faster and take less memory: shortint (16-bit signed), int (32-bit signed), longint (64-bit signed), byte (8-...
syn keyword systemverilogStatement typedef union unique unsigned usevarvectoredvirtualsyn keyword systemverilogStatementvoidwait wait_order wand weak0 weak1 syn keyword systemverilogStatementwhilewildcard wire with within wor xnor xor"LRM 3.7 String methods:syn keyword systemverilogStatement len getc putc t...
定义文件如下 `define MAXIMUM_FUNC_WIDTH 64 function integer clog2(input reg [`MAXIMUM_FUNC_WIDTH-1:0] value); begin value = value-1; for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfuncti
stringname="Y";functionvoiddisplay();$display("pkg=%s lb=0x%0h word=0x%0h",name,lb,word);endfunctionendpackage// Define a new package called Z, use variable value inside Y within ZpackageZ;importY::*;bytelb=8'h10+Y::lb;stringname="Z";functionvoiddisplay();// Note that 'word'...
I am trying to define coverage using systemverilog for a large coverage area. For example, I would like to define a coverage bin that starts at24'h000000, ends at24'h001ff0, and increments by24'h000008. I have tried this so far; however, it does not compile. ...
1 SystemVerilog parameterized functions in Quartus II 0 Generating post-synthesis verilog model in Quartus II 0 system verilog interface with function 0 VHDL and Verilog not dependent on technology? 0 Verilog primitives 0 The way simulation in Verilog/vwf define assignment Hot N...
For example, there is a need to check that in master and slave, a signal value keeps changing at every clock cycle if the reset is not present. We can define a macro and use it for both master and slave. Macro definition: Macro usage: Macro usage in Test Case Code In a sel...
System verilog - How to define time unit and time, The time precision tells the smallest delay you can configure in a given time unit. Precision represent how many decimal points of precision to use … Verilog Simulation Time Computation ...
VHDL、Verilog,System verilog比较 Digital Simulation White Paper Comparison of VHDL,Verilog and SystemVerilog Stephen Bailey Technical Marketing Engineer Model Technology w w w.m o d e l.c o m