task doInit (input bit [3:0] count, delay); automatic reg [7:0] a; if (count > 5) begin $display ("@%g Returning from task", $time); return; end #(delay) $display ("@%g Value passed is %d", $time, count); endtask endmodule 输出 @6 Value passed is 4 @7 Returning from...
返回(return)语句 方便子程序的控制,便于发现错误需要提前返回。 在任务中用return语句 task load_array(int len, ref int array[]); if(len <= 0) begin $display("Bad len"); return end //任务中剩余代码 endtask 在函数中用return语句 function bit transmit(...); //发送处理 return ~ifc.cb.err...
function无法启动task,因为允许task消耗模拟时间。 ANSI-C style declaration moduletb;// There are two ways to call the function:initialbegin// 1. Call function and assign value to a variable, and then use variableints = sum(3,4);$display("sum(3, 4) = %0d", s);// 2. Call function...
module sv_task; int x ; //task to add two integer numbers task sum(input int a, b, output int c); c = a + b; endtask initial begin sum(10, 5, x); $display("\t Value of x = %0d", x); end endmodule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15...
return data; endfunction endclass ``` 通过调用访问函数,可以获取类的私有成员变量的值。例如: ```systemverilog myClass obj; int value = obj.getData(); ``` 5. 任务(Task) 任务是一种特殊的成员函数,用于执行一系列的操作。任务可以有参数,但没有返回值。任务的定义和调用与成员函数类似,但没有返回...
(1) task无法通过return返回结果,因此只能通过output、inout或者ref的参数来返回。 (2)task内可以置入耗时语句,而function则不能。常见的耗时语句包括@event、wait event、# delay等。 task mytask1 (output logic [31:0] x,input logic y); ... endtask...
Although this example is trivial, we can see here how we can use theverilog delay operator(#) in a task. If we attempted to write this code in a function, this would cause an error when we tried to compile it. We can also see from this example that we don’t return a value in ...
task/function task 可以加延迟或比如说等一个上升沿 function 不能延迟 task 没有返回值,function可以由返回值 task doInit(input bit[3:0]count,delay);automatic reg[7:0]a;if(count>5)begin$display("@%g Returning from task",$time);returnend#(delay)$display("@%g Value passed is %d",$time,...
1functionautomaticintfactorial(intn);//function只有输入没有输出,但是有返回值,返回值就是函数名2saticintshared_value =0;3if(n<2) return(1);4elsereturn(n*factorial(n-1));5endfunction6...7result = factorial(my_valeu); 注:task缺省的参数默认是 logic 输入: ...