mbx.get (data); // Data updated with new data from FIFO count = mbx.num(); // To count number of elements is mailbox 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 77 什么是covergroup 捕获来自随机激励刺激,封装覆盖率要求 enum { red, green, blue } color; bit [3:0] pixel; covergroupg1 @ (posedgeclk); c...
function new (string name = "$1_AgentConfig"); super.new(name); endfunction:newendclass:$1_AgentConfigclass $1_agent extends uvm_agent;\`uvm_component_utils_begin($1_agent) \`uvm_field_enum(uvm_active_passive_enum, is_active, UVM_ALL_ON)...
` value` : 值必须具有为其定义的`uvmc_convert`专门化。使用转换器方便宏是可以接受的,以满足这一要求 对于uvmc_set_config_string和uvmc_set_config_int 已经指明传参类型的函数,则只需要四个参数,省略type_name UVMC 的get 方法用于获取指定层次上下文的配置字段值。 如果成功,则返回true;如果无法在给定...
// initialize control packet // append packet to unpacked queue of bits stream = {stream, Bits'(p)} Control q; // convert stream back to a Control packet q = Control'(stream[0]); stream = stream[1:$]; // remove packet from stream uses bit-stream casting to model a data packet ...
// initialize control packet // append packet to unpacked queue of bits stream = {stream, Bits'(p)} Control q; // convert stream back to a Control packet q = Control'(stream[0]); stream = stream[1:$]; // remove packet from stream uses bit-stream casting to model a data packet ...