class DynamicArray; rand int dyn_array[]; // 声明一个动态整数数组 endclass 2. 编写约束以定义数组大小和元素取值范围 你可以通过constraint块在类中定义数组的大小和元素的约束。 systemverilog class DynamicArray; rand int dyn_array[]; // 定义约束 constraint c_dyn_array { dyn_array.size() insid...
In post randomization shuffle the array, so that array will not have an incremental values class dynamic_array; rand bit [7:0] array[ ]; constraint size_c { array.size() inside {[4:10]}; } constraint array_c { foreach(array[i]) array[i] == i;} function void post_randomize();...
在SystemVerilog中,要创建一个随机位宽的数组,你可以使用动态数组(dynamic array)和随机化(randomization)结合起来。动态数组允许你在运行时动态调整数组的大小,而随机化则允许你生成随机的值。 以下是一个简单的例子,展示如何使用SystemVerilog创建一个随机位宽的动态数组: ```systemverilog class RandomWidthArrayExample...
foreach(array[i]) begin assert(rand_val.randomize()); array = rand_val.value; end endfunction function void display() $display("array.size() = %0d", array.size()); foreach(array[i]) $display("array[%0d] = 0x%0d", i, array[i]); endfunction endclass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
A dynamic array is an unpacked array whose size can be set or changed at run time, and hence is quite different from a static array where the size is pre-determined during declaration of the array. The default size of a dynamic array is zero until it is set by thenew()constructor. ...
endclass:Array module top; Array array; int arr[] ; // 动态数组的声明 initial begin // initial process array=new(); array.print(); array.funcs(); arr = new[20]; // 分配内存大小 foreach(arr[i]) $display(" arr[%2d] = %d ",i,arr[i]); ...
2.4.2 堆栈 自定义堆栈操作:1.先入后出;2.类型可变;3.大小可变 parameterintSIZE=100;classStack#(typeT=int);localTstack[SIZE];
class Fruit; string name; function new (string name="Unknown"); = name; endfunction endclass module tb; // Create a queue that can hold values of data type "Fruit" Fruit list [$]; initial begin // Create a new class object and call it "Apple" ...
//Array that stores 'logic' type at integer type index logic myArray[ integer ]; typedef bit signed [7:0] mByte; int myArray [mByte]; //'bit signed' index 比较特别的是以class作为索引类型的联合数组。 module assoc_arr; class AB; ...
–SystemVerilog相較於Verilog擴增了語多資料型別,例如:class、dynamic、array、enum等。–有助於SystemVerilog在系統層級的建模。•驗證層級提升 –以現今的驗證技術,模組層級的驗證已經相當成熟,但提昇到系統層級時,設計語言的語彙已然不足,所以藉由SystemVerilog所提供的功能及豐富的語彙,能使驗證層級向上提升到...