If you want a count of then number of elements greater than 5, then you need to write y=numbers.sumwith(int'(item>5)); That's because the type of item>5 is a 1-bit expression, and sum of 1-bit expressions is a 1-bit result. 也就是说,在例子中,Item > 7表达式是个1位的表达式...
item:0求和,这个表达式的结果是item(如果大于x)或者0(如果不大于x) array.sum with (item), 对item求和,结果数据类型和item一致 array.sum with (int'(item)), 对int'(item)求和,即item转为int型后求和,结果数据类型也和表达式表达的数据类型即int型一致 array.sum with ((item >x) * item), 对表达式...
function expression_or_array_type reduction_method (array_type iterator = item); 数组支持的缩减方法如下: eg: byte b[] = {1,2,3,4 }; int y; y = b.sum ;// y becomes 10 => 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 y = b.product ;// y becomes 24 => 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 y = b.xor with ( i...
modulearray_reduction;intarray[8]='{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};intres;initialbeginres= array.sum;$display("sum: %0d",res); res= array.product;$display("product: %0d",res); res= array.and;$display("and: 0x%0h",res); res= array.or;$display("or: 0x%0h",res); res= array.xor;...
functionvoidfuncs();intpos[$];// 缩减操作 xor , or , and , xnor , sum , product 等$display("the sum is %d ",array.sum());$display("the and is %d ",array.and());$display("the or is %d ",array.or());$display("the xor is %d ",array.xor());$display("the product is...
int array[0:15]; or int array[16]; //定义一个包含16个整形元素的一维数组; int array[0:15] [0:3]; or int array[16] [4]; //定义一个16行4列的二维数组; //定义时初始化 int array[2] = '{0, 0}; int array[2] = '{2{0}}; ...
int sum [1:8][1:3] ;foreach (sum[i,j])sum[i][j]= i +j;//initialize array 系统函数 sv中提供一些系统函数方便对数组进行操作。 $dimensions(array_name):用来返回数组的维度。 left(arrayname,dimension):返回指定维度的最左索引值(msb)。类似的,还有{right, low, high}(array_name, dimension...
I'm trying to sum array values using System Verilog. My data are declared like this: reg signed [23:0] n2 [31:0]; reg signed [15:0] w2 [195:0]; w2is a reg with values stock in it. for(int i2=0; i2<32; i2++) begin ...
int array[2][3];5.array = '{'{0,1,2},'{3,4,5}};可以在⼤括号前标上重复次数来对多个元素重复赋值;1.int descend;2.descend = '{5{8}};//descend五个元素都是8 可以为没有显⽰赋值的元素指定⼀个缺省值。descend = '{9,8,default:1}; // {9,8,1,1,1} 1.2 Packed array...
unique {a, b, c};// 该约束要求a和b和c两两之间互不相等unique {a, b,array};// 该约束要求a和b和array中的所有值互不相等unique {array};// 该约束要求array数组内的5个值互不相等unique {a, q};// 该约束要求a随机出来的值不等于q中的任一值} ...