Decision-support systems: Do they have a future in estuarine management - Jones, Tyler, et al. - 2002Jones, P. D., A. O. Tyler y A. W. Wither. 2002. Decision-sup- port Systems: Do they have a Future in Estuarine Management? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 55: 993- 1008....
In recent years, much work has been done in formulating and clarifying the concept of sustainable development and related theoretical and research issues. Now, the challenge has shifted to designing and stimulating processes of effective planning and decision-making, at all levels of human activity,...
图书Decision Support Systems for the Management of Grazing Lands 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Using recent research on evolutionary systems design and on the process of learning preferences in multicriteria decision making, a Decision Support System (DSS) is proposed for semi-structured buying decisions. The general decision process model involves four phases and feedbacks among them: 1. (1...
《Systems That Support Decision Makers》是1991年出版的图书,作者是Silver, Mark S.。内容简介 Concerns computer-based information systems that can affect the decision making behavior of their users. It tells the reader how to describe these systems and how to differentiate one from the other. Its ...
Information technology can help a great deal in achieving sustainable development by providing well-designed and useful tools for decision makers. One such tool is the decision support system, or DSS. This book explores the area of DSS in the context of sustainable development. As DSS is a ...
of these related areas should be submitted to an outlet appropriate to the specific area. Examples of research topics that would be appropriate for Decision Support Systems include the following: 1. DSS Foundations e.g. principles, concepts, and theories of enhanced decision making; formal ...
图书Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Development 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT WITH AN APPLICATION TO THE NILE BASIN Integrated water-resource management (IWRM) is the process of formulating and implementing shared-vision planning and management strategies for sustainable water-resource development and utilization with ...