Predicting the evolution of a large system of units using its structure of interaction is a fundamental problem in complex system theory. And so is the problem of reconstructing the structure of interaction from temporal observations. Here, we find an intricate relationship between predictability and ...
research teams might explore the potential of having workshops build on earlier diagrams, adding content believed to be as or more important as what was included in prior sessions. It has been argued that systems thinking and systems science methods, such as system dynamics, remain underutilized ...
certain maxima, no matter what the ML-based controller output. In addition to this hard limit approach, we include whether errors of a ML model could be detected by comparing the outputs tohistorical dataor by using another ML model, trained to detect unexpected behaviour of the primary ML ...
的管理理论。So, what is a system? A system is a set of things—people, cells, molecules, or whatever - interconnected in such a way that they produce their own pattern of behavior over time. The system may be buffeted, constricted, triggered, or driven by outside forces. But the syste...
Our research demonstrates that to make changes stick, it is not enough for leaders to know “what” interventions to use. It also requires understanding “how” to implement them well at scale. In many systems, well-intentioned changes fizzle out. Stagnating school systems...
Studies have found a pronounced decline in male effective population sizes worldwide around 3000–5000 years ago. This bottleneck was not observed for female effective population sizes, which continued to increase over time. Until now, this remarkable ge
It is important to note that the degree of customization available varies significantly with the choice of construction tool: high-level tools tend to support standard thematic maps, while low-level tools enable the creation of tailored map designs, often necessitating programming. Yet, given that ...
However, there are just a handful of worked examples of large pathway diagrams constructed using a formalised graphical modelling language. The model of macrophage signalling and effector pathways presented here is to our knowledge the most comprehensive pathway of its kind published to date. As such...
What are the pros and cons of using unmanned aircraft vehicles vs manned? What are the pros and cons of UAVs? Pros include: 1) significantly lower cost compared to manned vehicles (although they can get pretty expensive depending on their sophistication); this should allow the military to ...
Reuse of mathematical models becomes increasingly important in systems biology as research moves toward large, multi-scale models composed of heterogeneous subcomponents. Currently, many models are not easily reusable due to inflexible or confusing code,