Oral administration: Nausea, vomiting, other GI symptoms.IV administration (reported in >2% of patients): Rash, urticaria/facial flushing, pruritus.Oral inhalation/intratracheal instillation: Stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, fever, rhinorrhea, drowsiness, clamminess, chest tightness, bronchoconstriction....
Rash (2%) Vomiting (2%) Chest pain (1%) Dyspnea (1%) Edema (1%) Fatigue (1%) Injection-site reaction (1%) Moniliasis (1%) Pain (1%) Pruritus (1%) Vaginitis (1%) <1% Cardiac: Cardiac arrest, palpitation, ventricular tachycardia, arrhythmia Nervous system: Tremor, convulsions, paresthesia...
Results The first case is a 29-year-old female with no prior medical history. One week following her COVID-19 Pfizer /BioNTech vaccination, she developed widespread pruritus, fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, fever and night sweats. Blood tests showed pancytopenia and she was referred for an ...
Both have the potential toxicities of rash and pruritus. Some patients, if they have underlying GI [gastrointestinal] disorders like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, may be more prone to developing inflammatory diarrhea from these agents. You can also get pneumonitis or autoimmune-induced ...
(191/1,458) and 11% (76/675) of patients receiving BENLYSTA and placebo, respectively. Anaphylaxis was observed in 0.6% (9/1,458) and 0.4% (3/675) of patients receiving BENLYSTA and placebo, respectively. Manifestations included hypotension...
A young man in the middle of the night presented to the emergency with a generalized rash and severe itching; so severe he was begging for relief.Three weeks previously he had been seen in a walk-in clinic and prescribed a one-week course of oral prednisone. A week later, no better, ...
It may lead to generalized pruritus. In the authors' experience, various forms of noncutaneous vasculitis, most likely resulting from an immune complex mechanism, are frequently encountered in patients with SjS. They include palpable and nonpalpable purpura on the legs and buttocks (see Fig. 138.5...
Further inquiry did not reveal systemic manifestations of mastocytosis, except for a remote history of pruritus and skin lesions that were clinically thought to be insect bite-related. The overall presentation was therefore compatible with SM-AHN, the associated hematological neoplasm being smoldering ...
The risk of allopurinol-induced DiHS/DRESS is higher in patients with renal or cardiovascular disease due to impaired excretion of the allopurinol metabolite oxypurinol, which directly activates drug-specific T-cells.167,189,199,200 Following a prodrome of pruritus and fever,201 a morbilliform er...
Discontinue at first appearance of rash or any other sign of hypersensitivity (e.g., blisters, fever, pruritus).Hematologic EffectsAnemia reported rarely. May be due to occult or gross blood loss, fluid retention, or an incompletely described effect on erythropoiesis. Determine hemoglobin concentratio...