We further recommend employing theoretical perspectives and empirical methodologies rooted in the Digital Level of Analysis, with a focus on understanding the contents and contexts of media use in relation to outcomes across multiple levels of the developmental ecology. This, in turn, will engender ...
A multilevel analysis to systemic exposure: insights from local and system-wide informationIn the aftermath of the financial crisis, the growing literature on financial networks has widely documented the predictive power of topological characteristics (e.g. degree centrality measures) to explain the ...
A fundamental open question in this aim is how to quantify the role of micro-level variables, such as the riskiness of single banks’ assets, capitalization, and interconnectedness, in determining system riskiness. Or, in other terms, is there any clear effect of bank-level (micro) variables...
Gene-level analysis of ImmunoChip or genome-wide association studies (GWAS) data has not been previously reported for systemic sclerosis (SSc, scleroderma). The objective of this study was to analyze genetic susceptibility loci in SSc at the gene level and to determine if the detected associations...
This retrospective cohort study was conducted at a level-one trauma center from March 2014 to March 2023. The study enrolled patients aged 60 and above who had acute hip fractures and received orthopedic surgical treatment. The inclusion criteria specified patients who met these age and fracture re...
which is used as index of systemic importance to assess systemic importance level of listed commercial banks,analyzes their dynamic characters and calculates their percentage contribution to systematic risk.Finally,the paper analyses factors influencing systemic importance of listed commercial banks from size...
From a methodological standpoint, we associate severe variation with the lower tails of the shocks hitting the target variable and thus adopt a quantile regression framework to predict a lower quantile of the target variable, using the TASSYRI lagged level as a predictor. Consistently with ...
Our main result is the finding of a critical level of diversification that separates two regimes: (i) a safe regime in which a properly chosen diversification strategy offsets the higher systemic risk engendered by increased leverage and (ii) a risky regime in which an inadequate diversification ...
Overall, the high level of concentration and the dominance of a few large FIs highlight their potential systemic importance in the AFS. Table 1 reports certain financial soundness indicators of the AFS in 2007 and in 2019. The indicators illustrate the changes in financial soundness since the ...
In particular, we aim to discuss not only the technical migration, but also the long-term journey of change, on a systemic level. Method Our research method is an inductive, qualitative study on two data sources. Two main methodological steps take place – interviews and analysis of ...