Environment=MY_VARIABLE=value EOF 其中MY_VARIABLE是要设置的环境变量的名称,value是其值。您可以将这些替换为自己的环境变量和值。 执行以下命令重载systemd配置: systemctl daemon-reload systemctl show-environment 现在,所有由systemd托管的服务都将包含指定的环境变量。您可以通过执行systemctl show-environment命令来...
set-environment VARIABLE=VALUE... Set one or more environment variables unset-environment VARIABLE... Unset one or more environment variables import-environment [VARIABLE...] Import all or some environment variables Manager State Commands: daemon-reload Reload systemd manager configuration daemon-reexec ...
环境变量命令 show-environment 显示所有 systemd 环境变量及其值。 显示格式遵守shell脚本语法,可以直接用于shell脚本中。 这些环境变量会被传递给所有由 systemd 派生的进程。 set-environment VARIABLE=VALUE... 设置指定的 systemd 环境变量。 unset-environment VARIABLE... 撤消指定的 systemd 环境变量。 如果仅指定...
set "CATALINA_HOME2=%cd%" cd "%CURRENT_DIR%" :gotHome if exist "%CATALINA_HOME2%\bin\catalina.bat" goto okHome echo The CATALINA_HOME2 environment variable is not defined correctly echo This environment variable is needed to run this program goto end :okHome set "EXECUTABLE=%CATALINA_HOM...
The service specific configuration options are configured in the [Service] section. Additional options are listed in systemd.exec(5), which define the execution environment the commands are executed in, and in systemd.kill(5), which define the way the processes of the service are terminated, ...
systemctl disable mysqd.service # 查看 mysql 服务状态(其中后缀名称可以省略) systemctl status mysqld.service # 重新设置 mysql 服务开机启动(其中后缀名称可以省略) systemctl enable mysqld.service 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Arrange for systemd to set environment variables for the MySQL server process. Set theMYSQLD_OPTSsystemd variable. To use a localized systemd configuration file, create the/etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service.ddirectory if it does not exist. In that directory, create a file that contains a[Servi...
Arrange for systemd to set environment variables for the MySQL server process. Set theMYSQLD_OPTSsystemd variable. To use a localized systemd configuration file, create the/etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service.ddirectory if it does not exist. In that directory, create a file that contains a[Servi...
systemd.service_watchdogs=¶ 接受一个布尔值。 设为 no 表示禁用所有服务的运行时看门狗(WatchdogSec=) 以及紧急动作(例如OnFailure=或StartLimitAction=)。 详见systemd.service(5)手册。 默认值为 yes (开启看门狗与紧急动作)。 注意,这里的"看门狗"与硬件看门狗无关, 此选项也不影响硬件看门狗。
service 单元。用于封装一个后台服务进程。参见systemd.service(5)手册。 socket 单元。用于封装一个系统套接字(UNIX)或互联网套接字(INET/INET6)或FIFO管道。相应的服务在第一个"连接"进入套接字时才会被启动。有关套接字单元的详情,参见systemd.socket(5)手册;有关基于套接字或其他方式的启动,参见daemon(7)...