创建一个systemd服务单元文件:在/etc/systemd/system/目录下创建一个以.service为后缀的文件,例如autorestart.service。 编辑服务单元文件:使用文本编辑器打开服务单元文件,并添加以下内容: 代码语言:txt 复制 [Unit] Description=Auto Restart Service After=emergency.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/path/to/...
16[Unit]Description= some descriptionsDocumentation= man:xxx(8) man:xxx_config(5)Requires= xxx1.target xxx2.targetAfter= yyy1.target yyy2.target[Service]Type= <TYPE>ExecStart= <CMD_for_START>ExecStop= <CMD_for_STOP>ExecReload= <CMD_for_RELOAD>Restart= <WHEN_TO_RESTART>RestartSec= <TIME...
服务未运行时启动之systemctl restart Service_Name# 服务已运行时重启之,未运行时不启动之systemctl try-restart Service_Name# 服务已运行时,如果支持reload,则reload,如果不支持则restart# 服务未运行时,启动之systemctl reload-or-restart Service_Name# 服务已运行时,如果支持reload,则reload,如果不支持...
# 查看各项服务启动耗时systemd-analyze blame | grep .service3.服务的管理# 启动服务systemctl start <服务项名称># 停止服务systemctl stop <服务项名称># 重启服务systemctl restart <服务项名称># 重新加载配置文件systemctl reload <服务项名称># 使服务开机自启动systemctl enable <服务项名称>...
systemd是最初由Red Hat Linux团队开发的Linux系统工具。它包括许多功能,包括用于启动和管理系统进程的...
#systemctl daemon-reload#systemctl restart<name>.service Copy 例1.1. 扩展 httpd.service 配置 要修改httpd.service单元,以便在启动 Apache 服务时自动执行自定义 shell 脚本,请执行以下步骤。 创建目录和自定义配置文件: #mkdir /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/ ...
As always when you change your unit file you need to tell systemd to reload its configuration, and (if your service is currently running), restart the service: $ systemctl --user daemon-reload $ systemctl --user restart python_demo_service ...
I’m running a VPN service via systemd on my machine. The service provides a systemd script for me. I can query the service with the standard commands, for example: sudo systemctl status strongswan.service This works fine, except when the computer went t
[Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=new command 1. 2. 3. 修改ExecStart 前必须将其置空,参见 ( [1] 。所有可能多次赋值的变量都需要这个操作,例如定时器的 OnCalendar。 下面是自动重启服务的一个例子: /etc/systemd/system/unit.d/restart.conf 1. [Service] Restart=always RestartSec=30 1. 2. 3. 目...
systemd服务管理systemctl is-enabled .service #查询服务是否开机启动sudo systemctl enable .service #开机运行服务sudo systemctl disable .service #取消开机运行sudo systemctl start .service #启动服务sudo systemctl stop .service #停止服务sudo systemctl restart .service #重启服务sudo systemctl reload ....