错进行修改,直到可以start,如果不放心还可以测试restart和stop命令。 接着,只要使用systemctl enable xxxxx就可以将所编写的服务添加至开机启动即可。 [Unit] Description=springboot webapp After=springboot-webapp.service [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/hlooc/app/springboot-webapp Type=forking Environment="JAVA...
配置Nginx在启动时启动 将enable选项与systemctl 命令配合使用以启用Nginx: sudo systemctlenablenginx 将disable 选项与systemctl 命令一起使用可禁用Nginx: sudo systemctldisablenginx 原文
1. 要启动Nginx,请systemctl使用以下start选项执行命令: sudo systemctl start nginx 1. 如何重启Nginx 优雅地重启Nginx 如果要在更改配置后刷新Nginx,最好最好重新加载服务。这将关闭旧进程,并使用新配置重新启动新进程。 使用systemctlLinux命令重新加载Nginx服务。运行以下命令: sudo systemctl reload nginx 1. 强...
systemctl enable vsftpd.service:运行以下命令设置FTP服务开机自启动。 systemctl start vsftpd.service:启动FTP服务。 netstat -antup | grep ftp:运行以下命令查看FTP服务监听的端口。 返回如下图所示结果,表示FTP服务已启动,监听的端口号为21。此时,vsftpd默认已开启匿名访问功能,您无需输入用户名密码即可登录...
首先,使用systemctl start [服务名(也是文件名)]可测试服务是否可以成功运行,如果不能运行则可以使用systemctl status [服务名(也是文件名)]查看错误信息和其他服务信息,然后根据报错进行修改,直到可以start,如果不放心还可以测试restart和stop命令。 接着,只要使用systemctl enable xxxxx就可以将所编写的服务添加至开机...
systemctl enable *.service #开机运行服? systemctl disable *.service #取消开机运行 systemctl start *.service #启动服务 systemctl stop *.service #停止服务 systemctl restart *.service #重启服务 systemctl reload *.service #重新加载服务配置文件 ...
sudo systemctl enable nginx Use thedisableoption with thesystemctlcommand to disable Nginx: sudo systemctl disable nginx Start, Stop, and Reload Nginx with the Nginx Command Nginx has a set of built-in tools for managing the service that can be accessed using the Nginx command. See the examp...
Enable a service to start automatically at boot: systemctl enable <service> Disable a service from starting automatically at boot: systemctl disable <service> Check the status of a service: systemctl status <service> Why are you seeing the “command not found” error?
systemctlenable[service_name] systemctl start[service_name] systemctl stop[service_name] systemctl disable[service_name] systemctl restart[service_name] The systemctl command goes beyond when it comes to controlling services. The table below contains some advanced systemctl commands. ...
systemctl enable:在 /etc/systemd/system/ 建立服务的符号链接,指向 /usr/lib/systemd/system/ 中 systemctl start:依次启动定义在 Unit 文件中的 ExecStartPre、ExecStart 和 ExecStartPost 命令 服务的启动和停止 systemctl start:依次启动定义在 Unit 文件中的 ExecStartPre、ExecStart 和 ExecStartPost 命令...