解释“systemctl: not found”错误信息的含义 当您在终端或命令行界面(CLI)中尝试运行systemctl命令,但系统返回“systemctl: not found”的错误信息时,这意味着systemctl命令在当前的环境或系统中找不到。systemctl是systemd的一部分,systemd是一个用于Unix-like系统的系统和服务管理器,它提供了启动系统、管理服务、...
我尝试在Ubuntu 14.04中执行以下命令:我也尝试过使用sudo,我尝试用service和systemd替换systemctl,但都不起作用systemd:commandnotfound如何在Ubuntu 浏览540提问于2016-05-25得票数28 回答已采纳 1回答 RHEL6:哪个包处理系统? 、、 当在systemctl上运行RHEL6命令时,它给出了:bash:systemctl:commandnotfound哪个软件...
health_checker.go:86] error in getting uptime for kubelet: exec: "systemctl": executable file not found in $PATH health_checker.go:180] command systemctl show docker --property=InactiveExitTimestamp failed: exec: "systemctl": executable file not found in $PATH, [] custom_plugin_monitor.go...
网上搜索说是需要启动,然后执行了systemctl start docker 然后报zsh: command not found: systemctl https://dataease.io/docs/v1/dev_manual/dev_deployment/code/ 首先,systemctl是 Systemd 的主命令行工具,用于管理 Systemd 系统和服务管理器。如果你在使用zsh时遇到了command not found: systemctl的错误,这通常...
systemctl: command not found 可以使用service代替 service语法有一点区别 这里演示了错误语法和正确语法
systemctl command not found https://blog.csdn.net/superjunenaruto/article/details/105399039
Why are you seeing the “command not found” error? There are a few reasons you might be seeing the “systemctl command not found” error: 1. The systemctl command is not installed on your machine One of the most common reasons for this error is that the systemctl command is not insta...
I am following the directions here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-debian/ I am attempting to create a docker image based on the openjdk image and wish to install a mongdb server there, whic…
systemctl: command not found 鸭梨山大哎 11253245 发布于 2018-03-07 [root@vultr ~]# systemctl status vsftpd.service-bash: systemctl: command not found centos6系统centos 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读71.8k cevin: 6.x 不支持systemd。只能使用service命令进行服务管理...