白色表示 "inactive" 或 "deactivating" 状态; 红色表示 "failed" 或 "error" 状态; 绿色表示 "active" 或 "reloading" 或 "activating" 状态。 以"Loaded:"开头的行显示了单元的加载状态: "loaded" 表示已经被载到内存中; "error" 表示加载失败; "not-found" 表示未找到单元文件; "bad-setting" 表示无法...
以"Loaded:"开头的行显示了单元的加载状态: "loaded" 表示已经被载到内存中; "error" 表示加载失败; "not-found" 表示未找到单元文件; "bad-setting" 表示无法解析单元文件中的关键设置; "masked" 表示已被屏蔽。 同时还包含了单元文件的路径、启用状态、预设的启用状态。 要想了解更多单元状态(包括 "masked"...
Other possible values for "Loaded:" include: "error" if there was a problem loading it, "not-found" if no unit file was found for this unit, "bad-setting" if an essential unit file setting could not be parsed and "masked" if the unit file has been masked. Along with showing the ...
I think the capability based proposal (by "cabaility" i mean the concept, not the bad incarnation of it that POSIX came up with) in that thread would be much nicer, because it means trivial use from unpriv code, and a very elegant security model. I wished there was another attempt mad...
systemctl status[unit_name] As discussed earlier, a unit can be a service, socket, or device. For example, to find the status of thesshdwhich is a daemon service, use the command mentioned below. systemctl status sshd The above out presents the data in the human-readable form. You get...
(3) for more information.$SYSTEMD_LOG_COLORA boolean. If true, messages written to the tty will be colored according to priority. This setting is only useful when messages are written directly to the terminal, becausejournalctl(1) and other tools that display logs will color messages based ...
Setting this environment variable to an empty string or the value "cat" is equivalent to passing --no-pager. $SYSTEMD_LESS Override the options passed to less (by default "FRSXMK"). $SYSTEMD_LESSCHARSET Override the charset passed to less (by default "utf-8", if the invoking terminal ...
Other possible values for "Loaded:" include: "error" if there was a problem loading it, "not-found" if no unit file was found for this unit, "bad-setting" if an essential unit file setting could not be parsed and "masked" if the unit file has been masked. Along with showing the ...
centos7 网络连接不上:Network is unreachable 解决方案 1、 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ 进入到修改网络配置文件目录 2、ls 查看一下目录 3、vi ifcfg-ens33 按字母 i 进入编辑状态,修改ONBOOT为yes。按下esc键,冒号然后加上字母 wq 保存并退出 4、重启网络服务 service network ... ...
With big (4GB, few months of logs) on-disk journal, systemctl status service becomes very slow (!) [13:37:30]:/var/log/journal☠ time systemctl status nginx * nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server Loaded...