Systematic Literature Review:ystematic Literature Review:Case Studies andase Studies and Case Examples Funded by the Arts&Humanities Research Council..
Sustainable leadership and sustainable entrepreneurship: a systematic literature reviewReview Open access Published: 13 August 2024 Volume 5, article number 188, (2024) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article ...
Teacher scaffolding Game-based learning Primary education Systematic literature review 1. Introduction Games are considered to be one of the most enjoyable and motivating activities, particularly among children and young people (Bang et al., 2023; Kordaki, 2011; McFarlane & Sakellariou, 2002; So et...
Securing federated learning with blockchain: a systematic literature reviewOpen access Published: 16 September 2022 Volume 56, pages 3951–3985, (2023) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article Artificial Intelligence Review Aims and scope Submit manuscript ...
想做systematic literature review的宝子看过来! 最近有很多宝子写dissertation时,表示不想用问卷或访谈收集一手数据,也不想用定量二手数据做实证研究,而是想做literature research,也就是systematic literature review。 通俗点说,这种论文,整个就是extended literature,数据来源就是literature,分析对象也是literature。 这种论...
Given the above research issues, a systematic and comprehensive literature review can contribute to the development of the community. Existing IDSs can be divided into two categories based on the detection method: anomaly-based detection and misuse-based detection or signature detection (Axelsson, 2000...
2Table 2Summary of alcohol misuse in the literatureSummary of acute alcohol withdrawal syndromeSummary of care pathways in the literatureSummary of Alcohol care pathways in the literature Assessment of quality for systematic reviewMethodological QualityResults of the research papersAuthors conclusions...
PRISMA Flow Diagram (这个网站还提供了交互式绘制 PRISMA 流程图的界面,可以导出为PDF/PNG/SVG/HTML。 PRISMA流程图案例 [PRISMA Flow Diagram Example - DistillerSR]( for retri...
Vaccine hesitancy (VH) is considered a top-10 global health threat. The concept of VH has been described and applied inconsistently. This systematic review aims to clarify VH by analysing how it is operationalized. We searched PubMed, Embase and PsycINFO
The systematic literature review reported in this study integrates existing information and provides a holistic perspective on organisational ignorance. Data collection: Three strategies were used to identify eligible articles. First, an electronic search in the Web of Science, Scopus and ProQuest ...