system-performance-information网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 system performance information 美 英 un.系统性能数据 英汉 un. 1. 系统性能数据 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft
performance management system【计】 性能管理系统 compatible information system兼容信息系统 hospital information system医院信息系统 information feedback system信息反馈系统 相似单词 systemn. 1.系统 2.制度;体制 3.[the system]既成秩序;现政府,统治集团 4.理论体系 5.方法 6.分类原则 7.条理;秩序 8.系统;...
SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION 探测Windows2K/XP/2003本机系统信息 作者:TOo2y Native API乃Windows用户模式中为上层Win32 API提供接口的本机系统服务。平常我们总是调用MS为我们提供的公用的Win32 API函数来实现来实现我们系统的功能。(PS:前不久,偶写了一个Windows任务管理器,支持对桌面,进程/线程,系统性能,磁盘...
typedef struct _SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { LARGE_INTEGER IdleTime; //CPU空闲时间; LARGE_INTEGER ReadTransferCount; //I/O读操作数目; LARGE_INTEGER WriteTransferCount; //I/O写操作数目; LARGE_INTEGER OtherTransferCount; //I/O其他操作数目; ULONG ReadOperationCount; //I/O读数据数目; ULONG ...
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OUTPUT DEVICE AND COMPUTER PROGRAMPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To automatically generate a performance report from system performance information of a computer system.ICHIGEN TOMOYA一言 智也YADA JUNICHI矢田 純一
a从此以后不会允许二度的背叛。 Cannot permit two degrees betrayals from now.[translate] athe development of more consciously designed system(s) of performance information 更加神志清楚地设计系统(s的)发展表现信息[translate]
Most of the performance information applies to any client or server, on any operating system. For certain operating systems, specific information about configuration of clients and servers for performance is available.
PURPOSE:To cut the amount of performance information and overheads required for sampling the performance information by performing the control whether the performance information monitoring is to be performed or not for respective programs. CONSTITUTION:This system is provided with a program registering mea...
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The thing of the subscriber Network Management System and method for collecting performance information management ; 2. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The attempt to resolve ; The present invention provides a top-level system access network management system, subsystem, or the operator of the subscriber ...