A wake-up system includes an illumination apparatus which irradiated wake-up light, a control apparatus which controls output of the wake-up light irradiated from the illumination apparatus, and an interface apparatus which is operated by a user to input at least a wake-up time, the ...
Supporting System Wake-UpArticle 12/15/2021 1 contributor Feedback While the system is in a low-power state, some devices can detect an external event, such as an incoming network packet, and then wake the system. For example, if a PCI device has a system wakeup capability, as indicated...
Supporting System Wake-Up User Control of Device Idle and Wake Behavior Supporting Functional Power States Supporting Single-Component Devices with Single or Multiple Functional Power States Supporting Multiple-Component Devices with Single or Multiple Functional Power States ...
seeSystem wake-up events. The amount of time it takes the system to wake depends on the sleep state it's waking from. The system takes more time to wake from a lower-powered state (S3) than from a higher-powered state (S1) because of the extra work the ...
A wake-up system includes an illumination apparatus which irradiated wake-up light, a control apparatus which controls output of the wake-up light irradiated from the illumination apparatus, and an interface apparatus which is operated by a user to input at least a wake-up time, the illumination...
众所周知,System V IPC进程间通信机制体系中有着多种多样的进程间通信方式,如管道和有名管道,消息队列,信号,共享内存和信号量,套接字。从本文开始我们就逐个剖析进程间通信的机制和底层原理,就从信号开始讲起吧。 二. 信号基本知识 信号是进程处理紧急情况所用的一种方式,它没有特别复杂的数据结构,就是用一个...
A wake-up device system to wake up a computer system, said apparatus comprising a first coupling a Universal Serial Bus interface or Southbridge host platform control hub, the device comprising: a second Universal Serial Bus interface to the host side; a switching unit, so that a Universal ...
wake_up_interruptible (wait_queue_head_t *q); 我是这样考虑的:read 调用wait_event_interruptible(button_waitq),我觉得一个参数就够了。不判断什么条件,直接休眠,下面用wake_up_interruptible(&button_waitq)直接唤醒。这样看起来很简单。 不知道内核这样设计是基于什么原因?
Disclosed is a wake-up system based on an oscillation principle adopted to wireless transmission/reception devices such as remote controllers, mobile communication terminals, etc. The wake-up system uses oscillation capable of performing a wake-up operation such that a receiver responds to a wake-up...
A wake-up system includes an illuminating device (2) that emits wake-up light (L1), a control device (3) that controls output of the wake-up light (L1) emitted from the illuminating device (2), and an interface device (4) for inputting at least wake-up time operated by users. The...