Without Feature T180, "System-versioned tables", conforming SQL language shall not contain <system time period start column specification> or <system time period end column specification>. Subclause 11.27, "<add table period definition>": <add table period definition> ::= ADD <tabl...
System-Versioned Temporal Table,暂且容我管它叫版本由系统控制的临时表,它是 SQL Server 2016 中的新型用户表,用于保留完整的数据更改历史记录。 它之所以称为版本由系统控制的临时表,是因为每一行的有效期由数据库引擎管理。 每个临时表有两个显式定义的列,其中每个列都有一个datetime2数据类型。每当数据修改后,...
The system versioned table creates a temporal table which maintains the history of the data. By default, the name is as MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_1541580530. But you can specify the name of this table in the CREATE TABLE statement above; ...
终于等到你,System-Versioned表特性的引入,对于启用了该特性的表,数据的误删再也不怕了。相当于Oracle的闪回查询,可以查询任意时间点的数据。下面举个小例子: –创建表,with system versioning MySQL [(none)]> use test; Database changed MySQL [test]> drop table student; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.435...
To be system-versioned, according to SQL:2011, a table must have two generated columns, a period, and a special table option clause: CREATE TABLE t( x INT, start_timestamp TIMESTAMP(6) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START, end_timestamp TIMESTAMP(6) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END, PERIOD FOR...
I am using SQLalchemy with flask to interact with sql server. I have enabled system versioning for the tables. On executing first query to insert or update the table after the app runs , sysstarttime gets updated, but in next subsequent insert or update operation the sysstarttime doesn't ...
Part 4: DDL operations on the System-Versioned Temporal Table Let us create a Temporal Table by using the following script: --Create demo database if it is not present IF DB_ID('SqlhintsTemporalDemoDB') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE DATABASE SqlhintsTemporalDemoDB END GO USE SqlhintsTemporalDemo...
Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed InstanceThere are three ways to create a system-versioned temporal table when considering how the history table is specified:Temporal table with an anonymous history table: you specify the schema of the curren...
在mariadb中,表版本化是10.3.4开始引入的,参考了SQL:2011的标准,截止本文编写,mariadb 10.3系列的最新版本为MariaDB 10.3.10 Stable,10.3.7发布第一个GA版本。如下: 所以新是有点新,具体看怎么办了。。。 TheCREATE TABLEsyntax has been extended to permit creating a system-versioned table. To be system...
Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 根據案例,您可以建立新的系統版本設定時態表,或修改現有的時態表,方法是將 temporal 屬性新增至現有的資料表結構描述。 時態表中的資料修改時,系統就會建置應用程式和使用者看不到的版本歷程記錄。 如此一來,使用時態表不需要對資料表的修改...