Gets a path to the user profiles for the computer. C# publicstringUserProfiles {get; } Property Value String The full path to the user profiles. Applies to ProductVersions WinRTBuild 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, Build 19041, Build 20348, Build 22000, Build 22621, Build ...
using Windows.System.UserProfile; // Pass in a relative path to a file inside the local appdata folder async Task<bool> SetWallpaperAsync(string localAppDataFileName) { bool success = false; if (UserProfilePersonalizationSettings.IsSupported()) { var uri = new Uri("ms-ap...
Edit Gets a path to the user profiles for the computer. C# Kopēt public string UserProfiles { get; } Property Value String The full path to the user profiles. Applies to ProduktsVersijas WinRT Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, Build 19041, Build 20348, Build ...
MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH:D:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\plugins\ USERNAME:knife ProgramFiles(x86):C:\Program Files (x86) FPS_BROWSER_USER_PROFILE_STRING:Default PATHEXT:.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC DriverData:C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData ...
Data stored in this path is part of user profile that is enabled for roaming. A roaming user works on more than one computer in a network. The user profile for a roaming user is kept on a server on the network and is loaded onto a system when the user logs on. For a user profile...
Data stored in this path is part of user profile that is enabled for roaming. A roaming user works on more than one computer in a network. The user profile for a roaming user is kept on a server on the network and is loaded onto a system when the user logs on. For a user profile...
用户标识符(User Identifier):通常是一个唯一的账户安全标识符(SID),用于识别用户账户。 组标识符(Group Identifiers):用户所属的一组或多组的SIDs,它反映了用户在不同的组中的成员资格。 权限(Privileges):一个或多个权限,指明了线程所能执行的特定系统级操作(例如关机、改变系统时间、模拟客户端权限等)。
usingWindows.System.UserProfile;// Pass in a relative path to a file inside the local appdata folderasyncTask<bool>SetWallpaperAsync(stringlocalAppDataFileName){boolsuccess =false;if(UserProfilePersonalizationSettings.IsSupported()) {varuri =newUri("ms-appx:///Local/"+ localAppDataF...
How the system restores access paths The description for a database file contains a description of its access path, if it has one. When you save a database file, you can save the access path with the file. This depends on the type of file, the type of access path, and how you ...
The user profile for a roaming user is kept on a server on the network and is loaded onto a system when the user logs on. For a user profile to be considered for roaming, the operating system must support roaming profiles and it must be enabled. A typical base ...