A unique element inSystem Shockcomes in the form of a hacking mini-game. Players launch into cyberspace and participate in a 3D flight simulator wherein they must shoot viruses and other disruptive entities to destroy a core that will unlock new areas. As players make progress around Citadel S...
On a completely unrelated note, here’s theSystem Shockremake. The originalSystem Shockis probably one of the most influential titles of the mid 1990s, and that’s saying quite a lot. It’s also a game I have fond memories of playing as a kid (albeit with a good chunk of help from ...
There's some flight sims from back in the day--Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, Aces over the Pacific, Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator--and I'd like to see the folks at Asobo (that did MS Flight Sim 2020) remake these combat sims. They're were a lot of fun and accessible while ...
Summary:Having a System Shock remake was more of a necessity to experience the lore and story of this game rather than a simple cash grab. Nightdive Studios did a good job of recreating most of the game the same it was with modern standards, especially the combat and UI of the game. ...
Monkey Wrench (System Shock Remake) Items Cyberspace (System Shock Remake) Medipatch Healing Agent (System Shock Remake) Staminup Stimulant (System Shock Remake) Berserk Combat Booster (System Shock Remake) Sight Vision Enhancement (System Shock Remake) First Aid Kit (System Shock ...
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remakewasannouncedwith an official trailer and several details about this return to one of Ubisoft's most beloved franchises. The game is built from the ground up on the engine used to powerAssassin's Creed: Origins, and it does a lot to modernize the...