dbgcmd BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO (74) Can indicate that the SYSTEM hive loaded by the osloader/NTLDR was corrupt. This is unlikely, since the osloader will check a hive to make sure it isn't corrupt after loading it. It can also indicate that some critical registry keys and values are no...
1.如果checking files system后有one of your disks to be checked for consistency.you may cancel the disk check,but it is storngly recommended that you continue.这句英文,在自检时按键盘上的enter键即可取消,没有这句话就得等待到扫描结束。2.我们在Windows界面下,通过“磁盘碎片整理”程序...
In the Open box, type cmd. Type nslookup, and then press ENTER. Type set type=all, and then press ENTER. Type _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.Domain_Name, where <Domain_Name> is the name of your domain, and then press ENTER. Nslookup returns one or more SRV service location record...
一个是电脑没有问题,但是留下了记忆的信息,结果每次都自检,消除的办法就是:开始-运行中输入chkdsk E: /x /f 回车,然后就出现个自动运行的dos窗口,等他运行完毕就没有问题了。chkdsk E: /x /f的意思是Windows发现在E盘里文件系统有问题运行CHKDSK <使用选项/x /f 来更正修复这些问题chkdsk...
在CMD 中:MOMCertImport.exe 在PowerShell 中:.\MOMCertImport.exe 此时会显示 GUI 窗口,提示选择证书。 可以看到证书列表,如果未立即看到所需的证书列出,请选择更多选项。 从列表中选择计算机的新证书。 可以通过选择证书来验证证书。 选择后,可以查看证书属性。
host demo { option dhcp-client-identifier "<chassis-serial-number>"; filename "http://<IP-address>/<hardware-platform>-mini-x.iso"; fixed-address <IP-address>; } The serial number of the chassis is derived from the BIOS and is used as an identifier. ...
dbgcmd複製 0: kd> !sysptes 4 0x2c47 System PTEs allocated to mapping locked pages VA MDL PageCount Caller/CallersCaller f0e5db48 eb6ceef0 1 ntkrpamp!MmMapLockedPages+0x15/ntkrpamp!IopfCallDriver+0x35 f0c3fe48 eb634bf0 1 netbt!NbtTdiAssociateConnection+0x1f/netbt!DelayedNbtProcessConnect...
如果它停止在某一处很久不动了也就是说修复不了,那么就要删掉相关的文件才行了,这时你可以再重启电脑,在它弹出“checking file system on F: ”的时候马上按任意键跳过,进入系统后找到你怀疑的文件把它删掉 提示:“7.windows replaced bad clusters in file\<中间这段是乱七八糟的符号》\...
*NONE means that the system does not check for inactivity. 5 - 300 means the number of minutes a job can be inactive before action is taken. QINACTMSGQ The qualified name of a message queue to which job inactive messages will be sent if QINACTMSGQ is not *NONE. The message queue ...
Locate Reason: reason_string serial number: serial number, subject name: subject name, key length key length bits. %FTD-3-717023: SSL failed to set device certificate for trustpoint trustpoint name. Reason: reason_string. %FTD-3-717027: Certificate chain failed validation. reason_string. ...