如果应用程序调用 CreateRestorePoint 方法来创建还原点,如果在过去 24 小时内创建了任何还原点,则 Windows 将跳过创建此新还原点。 CreateRestorePoint 方法返回S_OK。开发人员可以在注册表项 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore 下编写创建 DWORD 值SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency 的...
any unexpected crash, etc. It also provides options to manually create restore points to recover OS when you enter the point. Here we will explain two different methods for how to create a system restore point for Windows 10/11. Follow the detailed guide:...
# 创建系统还原点FunctionCreate-RestorePoint{param( [string]$Description)Write-Host"Creating a restore point..."Checkpoint-Computer-Description$DescriptionWrite-Host"Restore point created successfully."}# 获取系统还原点FunctionGet-RestorePoints{Write-Host"Getting restore points..."Get-ComputerRestorePoint}#...
System Restore Point is an important feature of Windows, which can be used to create the state of the system at a certain time. It allows you to restore the system files to an earlier time when the system is malfunctioning or unstable. Also, creating a system restore point is an important...
Create Restore Points: Step 1:Open System Properties as Step 1 in the previous section. Step 2:Click on Create... to open the Create restore point window. opening create restore point window from system protection Step 4:Enter a restore point description like "Before Software Update" and clic...
Windows 中的系统保护是一项恢复功能,旨在帮助保护系统设置。 它主要涉及创建和管理还原点,这些还原点是特定时间点的系统文件、已安装的应用程序、Windows 注册表和系统设置的快照。 虽然默认情况下未启用,但建议启用系统保护。 此功能提供了额外的安全和安心层,确保你可以快速轻松地解决问题,而不会丢失重要数据。
Windows features a system restore tool, which can be used to create restore points before you change your system settings. If a system error occurs, you can restore your computer's system settings to a previously-created restore point to resolve the issue. Procedure: Enter Create a restore poi...
Step 1: Open theWindows search, typerestoreinto it and clickCreate a restore point. Step 2: Under theSystem Protectiontab, choose a drive and click on theConfigurebutton. Step 3: In the new popup, check the box ofTurn on system protectionand clickOKto save the change. ...
uint32 CreateRestorePoint( [in] String Description, [in] uint32 RestorePointType, [in] uint32 EventType ); パラメーター 説明[入力] ユーザーが復元ポイントを簡単に識別できるように表示する説明。 ANSI 文字列の最大長はMAX_DESC。 Unicode 文字列の最大長はMAX_DESC_W。 詳細については...