在控制面板中,选择“恢复>打开系统还原” 使用键盘快捷方式+R,键入systempropertiesprotection.exe,然后按Enter 打开系统保护 若要打开“系统保护”,请选择“配置...” 选择“打开系统保护” 使用滑块指定系统保护可以使用的最大磁盘空间量 选择“应用” 系统保护将在需要时自动创建还原点 从任务栏创建还原点 打开系统...
Open System Protection SelectCreate... Specify a description for the restore point and selectCreate Apply a restore point To revert Windows to a restore point, useSystem Restore. You’re invited to try Microsoft 365 for free ...
若要保護重要資源,例如 Windows 驗證堆疊、單一登錄令牌、Windows Hello 生物識別堆疊和虛擬信任平臺模組,系統韌體和硬體必須值得信任。System Guard 會在一個車頂下重新組織現有的 Windows 系統完整性功能,並設定下一組對 Windows 安全性的投資。 其設計目的是要提供下列安全性...
2. Configure protection: Under the System Protection tab of the System Properties window, view and select the drives you want to protect. Click Configure and then enable system protection and set the disk space to be used for storing restore points. 3. Create the restore point: On the System...
在Windows 运行时 (运行后验证平台完整性) Windows 版本和许可要求 System Guard的系统要求 若要保护关键资源(例如Windows 身份验证堆栈、单一登录令牌、Windows Hello生物识别堆栈和虚拟受信任的平台模块),系统的固件和硬件必须可信。 System Guard将现有 Windows 系统完整性功能重新组织在一个...
SystemProtection 類別 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Windows.Phone.System 編輯 提供與系統保護相關的資訊。 C# 複製 [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Phone.PhoneContract), 65536)] public static class SystemProtection 繼承 Object SystemProtection 屬性 ContractVersionAttribute ...
Windows 系统还原点 (System Restore Point) 是一种用于恢复操作系统到先前状态的功能。它保存了系统文件、安装的程序、注册表设置和其他与系统稳定性相关的配置。在 Windows 中,系统还原点的版本差异通常体现在不同 Windows 版本中的功能、存储方式以及配置管理上。
System Protection, also known as System Restore, isn't a new feature of Windows 10. This technology was introduced in 2000 with Windows Millenium Edition. It allows you to roll back the installed operating system to the previous state. System Restore creates restore points which keep a complete...
We could find some important clue in Restore Point because "System Protection" of volume C is enabled in Windows default settings. Lots of data in "My Documents", "Desktop", and "Favorotes". Further more lots of Windows artifacts exists in volume C, and forensic guys understand the importan...
Primarily as a disk-space-saving measure, Windows 10 disables the System Protection feature and deletes existing restore points as part of setup. If you want to use this feature, you must first turn it back on. Here's how. First, in the search box, typesystempropertiesprotectiona...