在使用Oracle数据库时,可能会遇到系统权限不足的问题。具体表现为,当我们尝试使用system账户登录时,系统会弹出错误提示:ORA-01031: insufficient privileges。这个问题可能是由于多种原因导致的,比如系统账户权限设置不当、密码错误或者数据库配置问题等。为了解决这个问题,首先需要确认当前使用的system账户密...
If Oracle ASM is freshly installed as part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12cRelease 1 (, then only the version of the privileges are configured: The database service SIDs are added toORA_ASMADMIN The Oracle Service...
This is due to the fact that any user can execute the procedures contained in theDBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMSpackage, which is aimed at making it easier to update Oracle installations. In particular, users can use theIMPORT_JVM_PERMSprocedure to change their privileges in the Java policy table so that...
Installation of this product requiressystem administratorprivileges. Setup will now abort. 安装此软件需要具有系统管理员权限. 现在安装终止退出. 互联网 An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please contact yoursystem administrator. 出现不可恢复的错误.请与系统管理员联系. ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 10.2]: An Owner With GAOP System Privilege Receives ORA-1031 or ORA-942 When Grant
- The grantee can grant the object privilege to any users in the database, with or without theGRANT OPTION, or to any role in the database. - If both of the following are true, the grantee can create views on the table and grant the corresponding privileges on the views to any user...
Oracle选择访问对象的顺序原则是先SCHEMA后PUBLIC。所以,对于SYS用户而言,他查询VSESSION视图其实是查询的系统底层表SYS.VSESSION。对于系统底层表,是不能直接做赋权操作的。所以,SYS用户在将该视图赋权给其他用户的时候就会报错。而对于SYSTEM用户而言,他查询V ...
2.C#使用Oracle.DataAccess.Client也叫ODP.net,他是Oracle提供的数据库访问类库,其功能和效率上都有所保证,它还有一个非常方便特性:在客户端上,可以不用安装Oracle客户端,直接拷贝即可使用。由于微软在.net framework4中会将System.Data.OracleClient.dll deprecated,而且就访问效率和速度而言,System.Data.OracleClient...
How can you see all of the system privileges associated with the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles? Solution Sign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a My Oracle Support account? Click to get started! In this Document...
Oracle recommends that you start the managers from the applmgr login to ensure that they inherit the correct directory privileges.For UNIX, any user who runs an environment file and has access to the startmgr script can start the concurrent managers....