ORA-01031: insufficient privileges while refreshing materialized view | Oracle 3 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges with Oracle view using Entity Framework 6 Oracle alter table insufficient privileges Load 7 more related questions Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via...
create temporary tablespace zfmi_temp tempfile 'D:\oracle\oradata\zfmi\zfmi_temp.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 32m maxsize 2048m extent management local; 说明: 1、zfmi_temp 表空间的名字 2、D:\oracle\oradata\zfmi\ 存放数据库文件的地方,一般是安装数据库后有控制文件,数据文件和日志文件...
- The grantee can grant the object privilege to any users in the database, with or without theGRANT OPTION, or to any role in the database. - If both of the following are true, the grantee can create views on the table and grant the corresponding privileges on the views to any user ...
Use thepprivutility with the-loption, the expressionzone, and the-voption to list the zone's privileges. Log into the non-global zone. This example uses a zone namedmy-zone. At the prompt, typeppriv-l-vzoneto report the set of privileges available in the zone, with a description of...
I am connected as system user (tried both via sqlplus and sql developer) to Oracle XE DB (pluggable DB not CDB). I connected to the DB with sys/password as sysdba and executed the following command with success: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO system; but the GRANT SELECT ...
Privileges in a Non-Global Zone Processes are restricted to a subset of privileges. Privilege restriction prevents a zone from performing operations that might affect other zones. The set of privileges limits the capabilities of privileged users within the zone. To display the list of privileges ...
CACHED - Session temporarily cached for use by Oracle*XA SNIPED - Session inactive, waiting on the client 有关状态的说明: (1)active 处于此状态的会话,表示正在执行,处于活动状态。 官方文档说明: Any session that is connected to the database and is waiting for an event that does not belong to...
Find Users Logged In Find Version Information Functions Global Temporary Grant/Revoke Privileges Indexes Literals Local Temporary Primary Keys Procedures Roles Sequences Set Default Tablespace Synonyms System Tables Unique Constraints Views Oracle Cursors Oracle Exception Handling Oracle Foreign Keys Oracle...
It should be on the database server at $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw. Second is the setting of the init parm 'remote_login_passwordfile'. If it is set to 'none', no remote logins as sysdba will be allowed. You can read more about that parameter in the docs at http://docs.oracle.com/cd...
This is due to the fact that any user can execute the procedures contained in theDBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMSpackage, which is aimed at making it easier to update Oracle installations. In particular, users can use theIMPORT_JVM_PERMSprocedure to change their privileges in the Java policy table so that...