Operations on a path are available on DataLakeFileClient and DataLakeDirectoryClient through getFileClient(String fileName) and getDirectoryClient(String directoryName) respectively, and operations on the service are available on DataLakeServiceClient. Please refer to the Azure Docs for more information...
A model integrating longshore and cross-shore processes for predicting long-term shoreline response to climate change 2017, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface Hydrodynamic and hydrological modeling of the poyang lake catchment system in China 2014, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering View all ci...
Operations on a path are available on DataLakeFileClient and DataLakeDirectoryClient through getFileClient(String fileName) and getDirectoryClient(String directoryName) respectively, and operations on the service are available on DataLakeServiceClient. Please refer to the Azure Docs for more information...
Azure.ResourceManager.DataLakeAnalytics.dll Package: Azure.ResourceManager.DataLakeAnalytics v1.1.0 Source: DataLakeAnalyticsAccountData.cs The system defined maximum supported degree of parallelism for this account, which restricts the maximum value of parallelism the user can set...
Accurate modeling of urban climate is essential to predict potential environmental risks in cities. Urban datasets, such as urban land use and urban canopy parameters (UCPs), are key input data for urban climate models and largely affect their performance. However, access to reliable urban datasets...
从URL 和管道创建 DataLakeFileSystemClient 的实例。 TypeScript newDataLakeFileSystemClient(url:string, pipeline: Pipeline) 参数 url string 指向Azure 存储数据湖文件系统的客户端字符串,例如“https://myaccount.dfs.core.windows.net/filesystem"”。 如果使用 AnonymousCredential,则可以追加 SAS,例如“https:...
The FileSystem result (sink) table is used to export data to the HDFS or OBS file system. It is applicable to scenarios such as data dumping, big data analysis, data back
Spatially Explicit Integrated Modeling System --- open-source, cross-platform, and high performance computation - lreis2415/SEIMS
資源管理 - Data Lake Analytics 資源管理 - Data Lake Store 資源管理 - 儲存體 資源管理 - 儲存體快取 資源管理 - 儲存體移動器 資源管理 - 存放集區 資源管理 - 儲存體同步 管理- Data Lake Analytics 管理- Data Lake Store 概觀 Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake...
public DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions) Allows for setting common properties such as application ID, headers, proxy configuration, etc. Note that it is recommended that this method be called with an instance of the HttpClientOptions class (a subc...