本文介绍使用 C++语言的矩阵库Armadillo时,出现报错system is singular; attempting approx solution的解决方法。 在之前的文章中,我们介绍过 疯狂学习GIS:Visual Studio配置C++中Armadillo矩阵库的方法,并且…
而在使用Armadillo模块加以矩阵计算时,出现了1个问题——我这里会经常出现warning: solve(): system is singular; attempting approx solution字样的报错。而且因为我代码中调用Armadillo模块加以矩阵计算的次数非常多,导致这个报错会出现非常多次,如下图所示 虽然这个错误倒不会引发程序中断,程序还是会继续运行,相当于...
而在使用Armadillo模块加以矩阵计算时,出现了1个问题——我这里会经常出现warning: solve(): system is singular; attempting approx solution字样的报错。而且因为我代码中调用Armadillo模块加以矩阵计算的次数非常多,导致这个报错会出现非常多次,如下图所示。 虽然这个错误倒不会引发程序中断,程序还是会继续运行,...
The singular exception is the BA(1) 1-vs-1 result where the player repositioning is consistent with higher utility. As the most topologically constrained case, these results demonstrate the impact of prioritising organisational agility in constrained decision-advantage spaces. 5 Discussion and ...
The automated tracking algorithm is then used to track all features in every camera over time. Assuming all extrinsic camera parameters are known, every feature is then triangulated using collinearity equations [66]. The proof-of-concept experiments shown in Section 4 track only a singular feature...