相当于在SHELL下执行 ipcs -m命令 该命令是显示系统所有的共享内存 执行系统命令”ipcs -m“
这个结构体提供给用户,让用户能够通过这个结构体完成对共享内存某些属性信息的修改和获取共享内存的部分信息。这也是ipcs -m命名底层的实现原理。这个参数我们暂时不用可以设置为0。 最后我们再来看一下这个函数的返回值。 删除成功0返回,删除失败-1,并且错误被设置。 因为最后的运行截图,太多了,这里就不再截图出来了...
perror(m); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } while (0) typedef struct str { char name[32]; int age; }STU; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int shmid; shmid = shmget(1234, sizeof(STU), IPC_CREAT|0666); if(shmid == -1) ERR_EXIT("shmget"); return 0; } 结果 ipcs --- 共...
ipcs(1) Added -z zone option. This option is only useful when the command is executed in the global zone. pgrep(1) Added -z zoneidlist option. This option is only useful when the command is executed in the global zone. ppriv(1) Added the expression zone for use with the -l ...
ipcs(1) Added -z zone option. This option is only useful when the command is executed in the global zone. pgrep(1) Added -z zoneidlist option. This option is only useful when the command is executed in the global zone. ppriv(1) Added the expression zone for use with the -l ...
Fifteen flights were conducted to evaluate the IPCS. The testing demonstrated that integrated digital propulsion control is effective. This document describes the flight test program and flight test results. (Author)hastings,william j. carlin,christopher m...
pcp-dmcache (1) - report on logical storage device caches pcp-free (1) - report on free and used memory in the system pcp-iostat (1) - performance metrics i/o statistics tool pcp-ipcs (1) - provide information on IPC facilitiesLinux...
Khiabanian H, Holmes AB, Kelly BJ, Gururaj M, Hripcsak G, Rabadan R: Signs of the 2009 influenza pandemic in the New York-Presbyterian Hospital electronic health records. PLoS One. 2010, 5: 8- Article Google Scholar Perencevich EN, McGregor JC, Shardell M, Furuno JP, Harris AD, ...
androgen receptor is also present in astrocytes, immune, and vascular cells, while Sox9 is also highly abundant in astrocytes and IPCs (Fig.8b) (Brann et al.2020). This suggests that non-neural androgen signaling in the modulation of male-typical olfactory preference in the OB is indeed possi...
By integrating two self-designed IPCs, an AI chip Keneron-KL520 with appropriate computing power but low power and an optimized AI model MNYLO, we implement a reversing camera system with artificial intelligence object detection. The self-designed IPC has four main functions. First, the IPC sup...