1.下载https://code.visualstudio.com/download是Microsoft(微软的产品)UserInstaller版:会安装在当前计算机帐户目录,意味着如果使用另一个帐号登陆计算机将无法使用别人安装的vscode。SystemInstaller版:安装在非用户目录,例如C盘根目录,任何帐户都可以使用。vscode默认提供的UserInstaller版 VSCode 一、安装1.下载https://...
visual studio code 安装 visual studio code 是一款轻量级的代码编辑IDE,安装十分简单,仅需要到官网选择下载对应的安装包,打开安装包后根据安装步骤一步一步操作即可。安装包需要选择对应系统,笔者使用的是windows系统因此选择Windows x64,并且版本有Stable和Insider两种,其中Stable是目前发行的版本最新的最稳定的版本,Insi...
Visual Studio Code安装教程 1 官网下载 官网 拉到页面底部,选择自己所需的版本下载 User Installer版:会安装在当前计算机帐户目录,意味着如果使用另一个帐号登陆计算机将无法使用别人安装的vscode System Installer版:安装在非用户目录,例如C盘根目录,任何帐户都可以使用。(建议使用此版本) vscode默认提供的User Installer...
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15.0.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15.0 v17.12.40392 C++/CX 複製 public: static property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::ThemeResourceKey ^ SystemBackgroundTextBrushKey { Microsoft::...
在VS2019界面点击扩展菜单下的管理扩展,如果已安装Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project,则如下图所示。 如果没有安装则选择联机,进行下载安装。 2、打包安装程序 (1)创建安装项目 在解决方案/添加/新建项目,选择Setup Project,创建安装程序配置项目。
Find the minimum system requirements, supported hardware, and languages for the Visual Studio 2017 product family.
Visual Studio is available in English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. You can select the language of Visual Studio during installation. The Visual Studio Installer is availab...
For issues, let us know through the Report a Problem option in the upper right-hand corner of either the installer or the Visual Studio IDE itself. The icon is located in the upper right-hand corner. You can track your issues in the Visual Studio Developer Community, where you can ask ...
RunInstallerAttribute(Boolean) 初始化 RunInstallerAttribute 类的新实例。字段展开表 Default 指定默认可见性,即 No。此 static 字段是只读的。 No 指定在安装程序集时不应调用 Visual Studio 自定义操作安装程序或 Installutil.exe (安装程序工具)。此 static 字段是只读的。 Yes 指定在安装程序集时应调用...
Description Adds, modifies, and removes applications provided as a Windows Installer (*.msi, *.msp) package. If you disable this service, any services that explicitly depend on it become unable to start. Installation Always installed Startup type Manual Recommendation No guidance Comments N...