Use the !reg openkeys command to see which registry keys were open. dbgcmd 2: kd> !reg openkeys Hive: \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM === Index 0: 00000000 kcb=ffffd805e303c728 cell=00000020 f=002c0100 \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM Index 1: db67f96d kcb=ffffd805e416ed18 cell=00bd0b40 f=...
Oct 20 2018 07:35:58 USG6300 %%01SHELL/6/DISPLAY_CMDRECORD(s)[4102916]:Recorded display command information. (Task=FW, Ip=**, VpnName=, User=_system_, AuthenticationMethod="Null", Command="display ike error-info verbose") 解决方案 ...
os.popen(command[, mode[, bufsize]]) 1. os.system(cmd)或os.popen(cmd),前者返回值是脚本的退出状态码,后者的返回值是脚本执行过程中的输出内容。 a = os.popen("lsb_release -a") print(a.read()) a= os.popen("ifconfig") print(a.read()) 1. 2. 3. 4. 3、subprocess模块 subprocess模...
Dim reader As SqlDataReader<span style="white-space:pre"></span>Dim sqlStr As String="select * from User_Info where userID=@userName and PWD=@password"'与数据库建立连接 conn.Open()'操作数据库 dbcmd=NewSqlCommand(sqlStr,conn)dbcmd.Parameters.Add(NewSqlParameter("@userName",userName))db...
执行cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", tcpdumpCmd)后,tcpdump的返回信息类似: 1 listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes\n56 packets captured\n56 packets received by filter\n0 packets dropped by kernel\n ...
‼ getaddrinfo ENOENT raw.githubusercontent.com ‼ cwebp pre-build test failed i compiling from source × Error: Command failed: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "./configure --disable-shared --prefix="D:\Project\vue-admin-beautiful-template\node_modules\cwebp-bin\vendor" --bindir...
Get-CMDistributionPointInfo Get-CMDistributionStatus Get-CMDriver Get-CMDriverPackage Get-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid Get-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress Get-CMEmailNotificationComponent Get-CMEmailProfile Get-CMEndpointProtectionPoint Get-CMEndpointProtectionSummarizationSchedule Get-CMEnrollmentPoint Get-CMEnrollmen...
If the fileName parameter represents a command (.cmd) file, the arguments parameter must include either a "/c" or "/k" argument to specify whether the command window exits or remains after completion. Unlike the other overloads, the overload of Start that has no parameters is not a ...
Open a command prompt by selecting Start, then Run, and entering CMD as the command. Type "Cipher /W:<'directory'>" (without the quotes), where <'directory'> is any directory on the drive you want to clean. For instance, "Cipher /W:c:\ " will cause the deallocated space on the ...