基于System Generator的DDS设计与实现 下载积分: 5000 内容提示: 收/发技术基 于 System Generator的 DDS设 计与实 现何锡君 ,陈华础3(南京电子技术研究所 , 南京 210013)【 摘要 】 介绍了直接数字频率合成器(DDS)的工作原理 。 重点阐述采用 Xilinx公司推出的快速可编程门阵列 (FP2GA)开发环境 Syste m ...
ords:D D S;CO RD IC;systemgenerator;FPG AEEACC:1230:7250E基于SystemG enerator的CO RD IC算法D D S的FPG A实现夏少峰,黄世震+( 福州大学物理与信息工程学院,福州350002)摘水线DDS系统,它不仅比传统查找表式的DDS系统节省了大量存储器资源,达到较高的运算速度,而且利用较新的DSP工具实现了系统的快速设计...
SYSTEM GENERATOR现场可编程门阵列基于DDS(直接数字频率合成器)的原理,采用XILINX公司的软件system generator,搭建了基于CORDIC算法的全流水线DDS系统,它不仅比传统查找表式的DDS系统节省了大量存储器资源,达到较高的运算速度,而且利用较新的DSP工具实现了系统的快速设计.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9490.2010.01.031夏少峰...
The DDS submodule is designed and produced by Xilinx DDS Compiler. The remaining submodules of the DDC,such as the RRC filter and the half-band filters, are co-designed using MATLAB FDATool and Xilinx FIR Compiler with considerations of tradeoff between receive path requirements of WCDMA, ...
摘要: 基于DDS(直接数字频率合成器)的原理,采用XILINX公司的软件system generator,搭建了基于CORDIC算法的全流水线DDS系统,它不仅比传统查找表式的DDS系统节省了大量存储器资源,达到较高的运算速度,而且利用较新的DSP工具实现了系统的快速设计. 暂无资源 收藏 引用 分享 推荐文章 基于System Generator 的 PM 信号...
'[USF-XSim-62] 'elaborate' step failed with error(s)' in system generator 2018.2 when simulating DDS module OS: Windows 7 Vivado: 2018.2 Matlab: R2018a Create a simple model with DDS_compiler_v6.0 as below: Default parameter settings with the DDS ...
1. Why do I see simulation mismatches with the DDS v4.0 when both the reset port and pipelining are enabled? 2. PicoBlaze compiler script fails when using long module names. 3. Why does XST "Error 1370 ..." occur when using Verilog as my target language with a DDS v4.0 or v5.0...
5. PicoBlaze compiler script fails when using long module names. 6. The DDS fails to generate if Phase Dithering is selected and the Phase Angle is greater than the Phase Accumulator. 7. MAP reports errors when XST is used to synthesize a design containing the DDS core. Please see . ...
The OpenCL API provides an open source standard for writing software programs that run across diverse multiarchitecture platforms. Using it enables the programs to benefit from parallelism and using GPU and accelerator offload. The strong support for the OpenCL software platform by the software ...
23814 - 8.2 System Generator for DSP - Error when the "Specify explicit sample period" option is selected and the "Provide enable port" or "Provide synchronous reset port" are not selected, on Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) v5.0 block ...