软件大小:1.01 MB 软件语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-09-29 授权:免费软件 适用平台:Win8,Win7,WinXP 推荐度:6分 无病毒 点击查看大图 软件介绍 该软件在系统文件有多个版本时进行备份,当系统发生问题时,可以有机会恢复旧版本 RJ System File Checker下载地址 ...
System File Checker (SFC) 是 Windows 操作系统中的一个重要实用程序,它的作用是扫描和修复系统文件的完整性。 C:\Windows\System32\Dllcache 文件夹主要用于存放 Windows 系统文件的备份,特别是 DLL 文件,以便于系统文件保护(SFC,System File Checker)在检测到系统文件损坏或丢失时进行恢复。 C:\Windows\System32...
SFC.exeSystem File Checker.Syntax SFC [/Scannow] [/Scanonce] [/Scanboot] [/Revert] [/Purgecache] [/Cachesize=x] Key /Scannow Scan all protected system files immediately and replace incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions. May require access to the Windows installation source files....
file. System File Checker also checks and repopulates the cache folder. You must be logged on as an administrator or as a member of the Administrators group to run System File Checker. If the cache folder becomes damaged or unusable, you can use thesfc /scannow, thesfc /scan...
SFC(System File Checker)是Windows操作系统中的一个实用程序,用于扫描和修复受损或丢失的系统文件。以下是一些常见的 SFC 命令及其用途: sfc /scannow 描述:扫描所有受保护的系统文件,并尽可能修复文件。 用法:在命令提示符(以管理员身份运行)中输入sfc /scannow。
If sfc discovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it retrieves the correct version of the file from the %systemroot%\system32\dllcache folder, and then replaces the incorrect file. If the %systemroot%\system32\dllcache folder becomes corrupt or unusable, use sfc /scannow, sfc /sca...
/cachesize=x:Sets the size, in MB, of the Windows File Protection file cache. /?:Displays help at the command prompt. Remarks You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group to runsfc. Ifsfcdiscovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it retrieves the correct ver...
To run the Run System File Checker in Windows, open a command prompt window, typesfc /scannow,and hit Enter. The sfc.exe utility will run for a while, check the integrity of Windows system files, and if any corruptions are found, replace them on reboot. ...
Step 2: Run System File Checker In theCommand Promptwindow, type the following command, and press ENTER: sfc /scannow Warning:Do not close this Command Prompt window until the verification is 100% complete. Thesfc /scannowcommand will scan all protected syst...
Learn all you need about running a system file checker scan here. This article will teach you how to run the SFC scan online and offline.