windows 7SP1 方法/步骤 4 重启后无法正常就右键单击提示错误的盘,选择属性,如下图所示 5 点击工具, 选择检查按钮,如下图所示 6 勾选扫描磁盘错误并修复损坏扇区,点击开始,如果是系统盘重启计算机即可,如下图所示
Win10启动文件:\ windows \ system32 \ winload.efi状态:0xc0000428是由于系统配置问题,具体解决步骤如下:1.首先在计算机设置中打开“更新和安全”。2.然后在弹出窗口中找到恢复,然后单击“打开”。3.然后单击“高级启动”中的“立即重启”以重新启动计算机。4.然后在弹出窗口的“故障排除”中选择...
将提前复制到U盘的文件替换损坏的系统文件,注意替换之前建议先备份原来损坏的文件,以便需要时找回。退出WinPE环境,拔掉U盘,重新启动,看因文件损坏Windows无法启动问题是否解决。 解决方法3:选择“最后一次正确配置”恢复 开机不断点击“F8”进入Windows高级选项菜单,然后选择“最后一次正确的配置”启动电脑。这个功能会让电...
1 已知Windows Defender与第三方反恶意软件软件冲突。因此,您应该禁用它,看它是否停止RDR_FILE_SYSTEM错误的发生。为此,您必须在任务管理器中停止正在运行的进程,然后通过控制面板或应用程序和功能卸载程序:同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc打开任务管理器 2 选择正在运行的防病毒软件,然后选择结束任务右键单击“开始”按...
✅ Service XXX failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system...:Dear Microsoft Support team,I am getting the following error with a specific program installation: Service XXXX failed to start. Verify that you have...
TheWindows blue screen system service exceptioncould also be a result of damaged or corrupted Windows System files. If that's what the case is, you can use the in-built tool called System File Checker. It uses the cached version of the system files to repair or replace the missin...
To resolve this problem, perform the System File Checker scanin safe mode. Make sure that thePendingDeletesandPendingRenamesfolders exist under%WinDir%\WinSxS\Temp. The %WinDir% placeholder represents the Windows operating system folder, such as, C:\Windows. ...
还可以运行系统制造商提供的硬件诊断程序。 确保安装的任何新硬件都与已安装的 Windows 版本兼容。 例如,可以在Windows 10 规范中获取所需硬件的相关信息。 有关一般故障排除详细信息,请参阅分析错误检查蓝屏数据。 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 在Microsoft Q&A 获取帮助...
When troubleshooting a computer that has problems with its operating system services, the operating system might return an error after you sign in to the computer. This error message might indicate that a service failed to start. Windows provides several tools that can help you...