1、打开“运行”对话框,方法是同时按下 Win 键和 R 键。 2、在运行对话框中,输入"services.msc"并点击“确定”。 3、在“服务”窗口中,找到并双击“Windows Event Log”服务。 4、在“Windows Event Log 属性”窗口中,将“启动类型”更改为“禁用”。 5、点击“应用”和“确定”按钮保存更改。 6、重新启...
EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE and EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY happens all the time. The code to my small test application: #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> namespace { HWINEVENTHOOK sTabHook; HWINEVENTHOOK sFocusHook; HWINEVENTHOOK s...
事件日志文件(Event Log Files):事件日志服务将事件记录到文件中,这些文件通常位于C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs 文件夹中。每种类型的事件日志都有对应的文件,如Application.evtx、Security.evtx和System.evtx等。 事件日志格式(Event Log Format):事件日志文件采用一种特定的格式,通常是XML格式,其中包含了事件的...
1. 考虑先用脚本实现备份过程,文件名eventlogsbackup.vbs.(脚本如下,其中需维护一服务器清单) 2. 建立一批文件Eventlogsbackup.bat, 包含语句cscript eventlogsbackup.vbs 3. Schedule a task 来用你的域帐户RunAs运行此批文件,当然之前你必须将此域帐号加入到能读写系统Event的用户组中.(用这种方法,你的域帐户...
Win32Exception The operating system reported an error when writing the event entry to the event log. A Windows error code is not available. Examples csharp 复制 //Create a byte array for binary data to associate with the entry. byte[] myByte = new byte[10]; //Populate the byte arra...
windowsevent log出现问题如何解决1、提示4201出错 2、Win7系统WindowsEvent Log服务无法启动解决方法 2.1、找到C:\windows\system32...方法 2.1、找到C:\windows\system32\logfiles\wmi中的RTbackup文件夹,右键->属性->安全: 2.2、点【添加】次文件夹的安全属性: 2.3、将其加入 ...
Event Log System Services Software Restriction Policies Additional System Countermeasures Additional Registry Entries Additional Resources Identity Management, Access Control, and Information Protection Secure Configuration Assessment and Management Security Tools Service Pack Information for Windows Server Troubleshoot...
<事件 xmlns=“”http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event'> <系統> <提供者名稱=“Microsoft-Windows-WMI” Guid=“{1edeee53-0afe-4609-b846-d8c0b2075b1f}” EventSourceName=“WinMgmt” /> <EventID Qualifiers=“49152”>10</EventID> ...
PublicProfile_LogFileSize - Windows 10 hardware dev ItemName - Windows 10 hardware dev JoinDomain - Windows 10 hardware dev Link1 - Windows 10 hardware dev Link5 - Windows 10 hardware dev LocalIntranetSites - Windows 10 hardware dev Mail - Windows 10 hardware dev Tablet - Windows 10 h...
string [] insertStrings = {"EventLogSamples.WriteEventSample2"}; // Write the events to the event log. EventLog.WriteEvent(sourceName, myInfoEvent); // Append binary data to the warning event entry. byte [] binaryData = { 7, 8, 9, 10 }; EventLog.WriteEvent(sourceName, myWarning...