Thus, the dynamic game theory is applied in VSC, to quickly, and precisely enforce the system states to the sliding surface, thus reducing the chattering. The stability and the convergence of the overall system are confirmed by the Hamiltonian function. The control algorithm has been realized ...
Dynamic Game TheoryHybrid Control SystemStabilityIn this paper, a novel design and analysis of the dynamic game of the Hybrid Multi-Agent Robotic System (HMARS) is proposed for dealing with the formation problem of multiple robots with leaders and followers. Each autonomous agent is a wheeled ...
sesshouIdobeyaspricingthehumancapitaI:winwinprincipIe,indirectrepetitiousdynamicprincipIeandmo tivatingreinvestmentprincipIe. Keywords:humancapitaIpricing;corporationcontract;systemdynamics;gametheory 收稿日期:2006-07-26 作者简介:邬烈岚(1979-),女,浙江宁波人,同济大学经济与管理学院博士研究生,研究方向:组织与人力...
(redirected fromDynamical systems and chaos theory) Thesaurus Encyclopedia dynamical system n. MathematicsA space together with a transformation of that space, such as the solar system transforming over time according to the equations of celestial mechanics. ...
The NBKL is hence a two-player imperfect information dynamic game, which is open-loop, zero-sum, and discrete-time when solved over a finite horizon. Due to both the low likelihood of repeated replay for NBKL scenarios and the computational cost of solving the underlying systems at large sc...
The proposed strategies are based on game theory concepts, where games are dynamically played depending on the system condition with the applications on the terminal modeled as players. User's terminals have two interfaces, which can be used for enforcing reconfigurability by deploying RRM strategy ...
In this review, we first provide a multi-layer perspective toward increasingly complex and integrated control systems and then introduce several variants of dynamic games for modeling different layers of control systems. We present game-theoretic methods for understanding the fundamental tradeoffs of ...
The previous kinematic study of a pick-and-place robot with two entirely independent arms, is extended to the dynamic model of such a robot. The arms are seen as two players avoiding collision in any event. The corresponding game of kind gives the alloption program to the designer. A barri...
By examining iterative multiple-shot noncooperative games with reversible and irreversible decisions, the costs of myopia for the future in making levee planning decisions show the significance of considering the externalities and evolution path of dynamic water resource problems to improve decision-making....
stabilization and the improvement in environmental pollution.Finally,the stability analysis of the evolutionary game with dynamic penalty proves that Nash equilibrium is the evolutionary equilibrium.SD provides a simulation and experiment platform for the evolutionary game theory's development and application....