Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the concentration of blood glucose is persistently raised above the normal range. It occurs either because of a lack of insulin or because of the presence of factors which oppose the action of insulin. Hyperglycaemia results from insufficient insulin action....
Exocrineglands releasetheirsecretionsintoaductthatcarriesthemtotheoutsidethebody Endocrineglands ReleasetheirhormonesdirectlyintothebloodsreamDuctSweatgland EndocrineGlands ThyroidGland •Thyroid hormones(甲状腺激素)–Regulatingmetabolism(调节代谢)Disordersofthyroidgland–Hyperthyroidism甲亢–Hypothyroidism甲减–Cretinism...
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the destruction of pancreatic β cells and inadequate insulin secretion (Roep & Tree, 2014). Under this circumstance, even slight preservation of residual β cell mass may result in significant benefits in clinic (...
Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities IPAQ-SF: International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form ARMS: The Adherence to Refills and Medications Scale GAD-7: 7-Item Generalized Anxiety Disorder PHQ9: The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 PSS-4: The 4-item Perceived Stress Scale HLS-...
It is a nonsuppurative, post-streptococcal, systemic, inflammatory disorder that mostly affects the central nervous system, heart, skin, joints, and subcutaneous tissues. The chronic episode of RF affects all layers of the heart (pancarditis), resulting in significant cardiac consequences known as ...
Celiac disease is frequently associated with other genetic and autoimmune conditions, including Type I diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, lactose intolerance and thyroid disease. The disorder is most common in women, Caucasians and persons of European ancestry. The treatment for celiac disease is a ...
Melatonin is a methoxyindole that has been shown to decrease with age and, more importantly, in various age-related non-communicable diseases93,94. Low melatonin levels are found in people with chronic diseases, notably coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus95,96...
Trends and Perspectives in the Development of Antidiabetic Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder which results from a high blood glucose level, is one of the most prevalent and costly diseases of o... SH Lee - 《Korean Journal of Microbiology...
Stress, sex hormones, inflammation, and major depressive disorder: extending social signal transduction theory of depression to account for sex differences in mood disorders. Psychopharmacology. 2019;236(10):3063-3079. doi:10.1007/s00213-019-05326-9 PubMedGoogle Scholar 113. Slavich GM...
No matter how old you are, stress, infections, and being around certain chemicals can also mess with parts of your endocrine system. Your genes or lifestyle habits can increase your chances of an endocrine disorder like hypothyroidism, diabetes, or osteoporosis. ...