"defaults":{"config":{"applicablePages":[],"dynamicByCoreNode":false,"description":"The Microsoft Footer","fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[],"__typename":"ComponentProperties"},"components":[{"id":"custom.widget.MicrosoftFooter","form":null,"config":...
Sometimes when changes are made or some driver is installed or just regular restart, the system freezes while rebooting, requiring hard reset, only fix I...
This tutorial will show you how to change the boot menu time-out value in Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you have more than on operating system installed on...
Software\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Exchange Cryptographic Provider v1.0 Office Outlook 顯示下載上次傳送/接收之後 OAB 變更的選項 Microsoft Office Outlook <版本>\工具 | 帳戶設定\Exchange\離線通訊錄 Software\Policies\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider ...
5. On the Advanced tab, click Printing Defaults. 6. Click to clear the Rely on System fonts only; do not use document fonts check box. 7. Click OK two times. Back to the top STATUS Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in...
When this role installs it defaults to: Online mode A data collection level of Enhanced When this role is online, it enables Microsoft to automatically collect diagnostics and usage data over the Internet. Information that is collected helps us identify and troubleshoot problems as well as ...
The first one uses more or less just the defaults: $ time mkfs.erofs -zlz4hc,12 perl-install-lz4hc.erofs perl-install mkfs.erofs 1.7.1-gd93a18c9 Build completed. --- Filesystem UUID: b75142ed-6cf3-46a4-84f3-12693f7759a0 Filesystem total blocks: 5847130 (of 4096-byte blocks) File...
This is a simple demonstration script without error checking. # # set script parameter defaults param ([String]$Server = "localhost", [String]$RoleName="My Analyst Role", [String]$TypeToAdd="User") $a = [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core") $m ...
Version 5.7.0:diskLayout()added S.M.A.R.T for Windows (if installed) Version 5.6.0:cpuTemperature()added socket and chipset temp (linux) Version 5.5.0:dockerVolumes()added Version 5.4.0:dockerImages()added Version 5.3.0:osInfo()added remoteSession (win only) ...
Windows Server defaults to fixed-length quantums. A quantum is a unit of execution time that the scheduler is allowed to give to an application before switching to another application. When a thread runs one quantum, the kernel preempts it and moves it to the end of a queue for ...