尊敬的联想用户您好,您可以尝试恢复bios的默认设置,在开机时点击F8选择安全模式,在安全模式下卸载出现问题前安装的驱动程序,重新安装官网的驱动测试。Lenovo产品驱动下载:http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/Modules/Drive.aspx 如果以上方案没有解决您的问题,欢迎您使用联想服务官方微信在线咨询...
您好!为了方便起见,建议您到联想的服务站查询诊断问题,在保修期内维修是免费的,主要部件保修2年,系统及软件保修1年,国外行货需要注册IWS全球联保,服务站的选择可以查询:http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/station/servicestation/default.aspx?intcmp=I_F_FWWD 其他问题也可以在这两个论...
"Real Time Clock Error - Check Date and Time settings, System CMOS Checksum bad Press Esc to continue or F1 to enter Setup" Is this a system board problem or CMOS battery problem ? Thank you Re: Real Time Clock Error - Check Date and Time settings, System CMOS...
开机报错:CMOS date/time not set( CMOS 时间和日期没有设置)或CMOS Battery Low CMOS Checksum Bad( CMOS 电池低,CMOS 校验失败) 故障原因: 该报错一般是 coms 电池没电或者主板故障导致。 解决方案: 1、打开机箱,小心操作注意非损,尝试拿掉COMS电池,拔掉主机后所有连接线,长按开机键10秒左右,重复三次操作,...
After you perform all of the actions that are described in this field, if you cannot solve the problem, contact Lenovo support. The following is the list of the UEFI (POST) error codes and suggested actions to correct the detected problems....
点继续之后就黑屏了 12124 电脑故障吧 tangxj2008 开机error loading operating system是怎么回事我的机器是联想的品牌机,安装的是vista系统,我又在d盘下安装了xp系统,结果开机后出现error loading operating system,我以为是c盘的vista系统坏了 分享170赞 dell吧 贴吧用户_Q3W5D3y system cmos checksum bad.出现这...
Hardware Environment Raspberry Pi [1/2/3/4] ODROID [C2/C4/N2(+)/XU4] ASUS Tinker [S] Generic x86-64 (like Intel NUC) OVA (Open Virtualization Appliance, on Intel NUC or any other hardware, please add the Hypervisor you are using) Khadas ...
Bad news is that I have: uninstalled ubuntu deleted the old vhdx disk to make sure is not ever used again I have installed again ubuntu 20.04 I have installed again intellij (ideaIU-2020.2.1.tar.gz) in wsl2 (i.e just untar the archive) ...
[I.2018003] A bad option ROM checksum was detected for the device found at Bus % Device % Function %. The Vendor ID for the device is % and the Device ID is %. Severity: Error User Response: Complete the following steps: If this PCIe device and/or any attached cables were recently ...
After you perform all of the actions that are described in this field, if you cannot solve the problem, contact Lenovo support. The following is the list of the UEFI (POST) error codes and suggested actions to correct the detected problems....