里面有三种时钟 clock: steady_clock, system_clock 和 high_resolution_clock; 区别 steady_clock 是单调的时钟,相当于教练手中的秒表;只会增长,适合用于记录程序耗时; system_clock 是系统的时钟;因为系统的时钟可以修改;甚至可以网络对时; 所以用系统时间计算时间差可能不准。 high_resolution_clock 是当前系统能...
里面有三种时钟 clock: steady_clock, system_clock 和 high_resolution_clock; 区别 steady_clock 是单调的时钟,相当于教练手中的秒表;只会增长,适合用于记录程序耗时; system_clock 是系统的时钟;因为系统的时钟可以修改;甚至可以网络对时; 所以用系统时间计算时间差可能不准。 high_resolution_clock 是当前系统能...
在這個實作中,system_clock與high_resolution_clock是同義詞。 Members 公用Typedefs 名稱 描述 system_clock::duration duration<rep, period>之同義資料表。 system_clock::period 用來表示duration中具現化的刻度期間的型別之同義資料表。 system_clock::rep ...
statictime_tto_time_t(consttime_point& Time)noexcept; 參數 Time time_point物件。 另請參閱 <chrono> file_clock class high_resolution_clock steady_clock結構 tai_clock類別 utc_clock類別 標頭檔參考 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo 提供產品意見反應| 在Microsoft Q&A 上取得說明...
Define system clock. system clock synonyms, system clock pronunciation, system clock translation, English dictionary definition of system clock. Noun 1. system clock - a time-of-day clock in a computer system clock - a timepiece that shows the time of da
Calibrating the system clock with a delta-sigma loop, for example, reduces the clock error over time. This allows accurate adjustment of the system clock to compensate for errors due to trim resolution, circuit noise and temperature.Matthew Bond...
If your app requires greater resolution than that offered by the Timer class or the system clock, use the high-resolution multimedia timers; see How to: Use the High-Resolution Timer. If the interval is set after the Timer has started, the count is reset. For example, if you set the in...
Because theTimerclass has the same resolution as the system clock, which is approximately 15 milliseconds on Windows 7 and Windows 8 systems, thecallbackdelegate executes at intervals defined by the resolution of the system clock ifperiodis less than the resolution of the system clock. Ifperiodis...
The system clock is continuously powered, and the reference clock is powered only during the calibration routine. 这些技术包括基于在固定数量时钟循环内系统时钟和基准时钟的频率之间的差来确定系统时钟的时钟误差,并调整系统时钟的微调值以补偿时钟误差. These techniques include between frequency based on a ...