Consistency- Every read receives the most recent write or an error Availability- Every request receives a response, without guarantee that it contains the most recent version of the information Partition Tolerance- The system continues to operate despite arbitrary partitioning due to network failures Net...
CopySystemFormEvent: True CopySystemForm CopySystemFormRequest CreateEvent: False POST /systemformsSee Create Create records DeleteEvent: False DELETE /systemforms(formid)See Delete Delete records RetrieveEvent: False GET /systemforms(formid)See Retrieve Retrieve records RetrieveFilteredFormsEvent: True Ret...
ChangeType(Object, Type, IFormatProvider) 方法可以將可為 Null 的類型轉換成另一個類型。 不過,即使 conversionType 是Nullable<T>的基礎型別,它也無法將另一個型別轉換成可為 Null 型別的值。 若要執行轉換,您可以使用轉換運算元(C#) 或轉換函式(在 Visual Basic 中)。 下列範例說明從可為 Null 型別...
TemplateSourceDirectory 获取包含当前服务器控件的 Page 或UserControl 的虚拟目录。 (继承自 Control) Text 获取或设置验证失败时验证控件中显示的文本。 (继承自 BaseValidator) ToolTip 获取或设置当鼠标指针悬停在 Web 服务器控件上时显示的文本。 (继承自 WebControl) UniqueID 获取服务器控件的唯一的、...
if (_manager.Personalization.CanEnterSharedScope) { Panel2.Visible = true; if (_manager.Personalization.Scope == PersonalizationScope.User) RadioButton1.Checked = true; else RadioButton2.Checked = true; } } // Change the page to the selected display mode. void DisplayModeDropdown_SelectedIndexC...
ITemplate 一个ITemplate 对象,其中包含用于显示 ChangePassword 控件的“成功”视图和“更改密码”视图的模板。 默认值为 null。 属性 BrowsableAttribute PersistenceModeAttribute TemplateContainerAttribute 注解 属性SuccessTemplate 指定ITemplate 控件使用 ChangePassword 的对象。 SuccessTemplate仅当使用代码隐藏文...
If the command specifies a remote resource (one owned by another region), CICS uses the local (partial) definition to process the request. Consequently, if you want to use or change a resource definition in a remote region, you must cause your SPI command to be executed in that region, ...
当ItemTemplateSelector 属性更改时调用。 (继承自 ItemsControl) OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) 在接收到 KeyDown 事件时调用。 OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) 当某个未处理的 KeyUp 附加事件在其路由中到达派生自此类的某个元素时调用。 实现此方法可为此事件添加类处理。 (继承自 UIElement) OnLoadingRow(DataGridRowEventAr...
admin.E410: django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware must be in MIDDLEWARE in order to use the admin application. admin.W411: django.template.context_processors.request must be enabled in DjangoTemplates (TEMPLATES) in order to use the admin navigation sidebar.auth...
The input control fails validation if its value does not change from the InitialValue property upon losing focus. Multiple validators can be associated with the same input control. For example, a RequiredFieldValidator can be used to ensure input to a control, while at the same time a ...