4. 启用超级管理员账户:在Windows 10中,您可以启用内置的超级管理员账户(Administrator),该账户具有与SYSTEM相似的高级权限。5. 组策略编辑器:使用组策略编辑器可以修改安全策略,从而获得SYSTEM权限。这适用于专业版或企业版的Windows操作系统。6. 账户设置:在Windows的用户账户设置中,您可以提升账户的权限,使...
一般而言,microsoft windows operating system(administrator-102217-.exe)设置默认开机自动启动,一定程度上将导致电脑开机时,系统需要花更多的时间和内存来启动电脑。除了microsoft windows operating system(administrator-102217-.exe)的自启动,电脑中还有其他软件也会设置自动启动。当自启动程序越多,电脑的开机速度就会受到...
打开cmd命令终端,执行net user命令,查看用户列表 注册表操作 点击开始-运行,运行输入框输入regedit 点击...
OfflineAdministratorPassword - Windows 10 hardware dev PlainText - Windows 10 hardware dev Name - Windows 10 hardware dev NoDial - Windows 10 hardware dev UMTSHSPAPLUS64QAM - Windows 10 hardware dev SoftwareLicensing - Windows 10 hardware dev Storage - Windows 10 hardware dev SystemRestore -...
本题考查Windows 10操作系统相关内容,Windows 10安装后有四个账户:1、Administrator是系统缺省的管理员帐户;2、Guest系统默认的访客帐户,一般在禁用状态;3、DefaultAccount安装Windows 10系统的缺省登录帐户;4、WDAGUtilityAccount帐户,该帐户链接到Windows Defender并由Windows Defender管理保护Windows 10系统。故本题答案是A...
1. Click in theSearchbox beside the Windows icon and then type “cmd“. 2. Now, you have to simplyright-clickon “Command Prompt” and choose “Run as administrator“. 3. Now, to give this account administrative permissions, write this command and hitEnter. ...
7、在刚新建的UserList上右击—>新建—>DWORD (32-位)值(D),名称为Administrator,然后双击它,把它的键值改为1 8、在命令提示符窗口输入:net user administrator /active:yes 并回车。稍等就有成功提示。9、注销或重启,就可以看到超级管理员administrator账户显示出来了!默认没有密码,可以登录啦...
2. To Run the scripts on remote computers with system account or administrator account. 3. To copy the specified program to the remote system for execution. 4. To execute remote scripts without loading local profile. 5. To Copy the specified file only if it has a higher version number or...
This is the fastest way to access system restore in Windows 10. Just hit the Windows key, type "system restore", and open it. Method 2: Using Command Prompt Step 1:Open the Command Prompt as administrator. Open the Command Prompt as administrator ...