Open an administrator command prompt and type the following:bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype offRestart your computer and the AC should then work properly.这个是说必须要禁用Hyper-V才能启动FACEIT AC打开管理员命令提示符并键入以下内容:bcdedit / set hypervisorlaunchtype off重新启动计算机,AC应该正常工作...
It can also be stopped from the command line using the following command:C:\> net stop OracleConcMgr<SID> Although you can shut down concurrent managers from Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's responsibility, this does not stop the concurrent manager service. You must still stop ...
Restart the webservice by starting a Command prompt (Run as Administrator) and typing IISRESET - How to restart Vault servers "World Wide Web Publishing Service". Open Vault Client and check if sign in to the affected server works - if not move...
1、开始菜单中点”运行”中输入”lusrmgr.msc”,进入”本地用户和组” 管理器;2、单击左边窗口的”用户”文件夹,双击右边窗口的某个用户名,进入”用户属性”对话框;3、进入”配置文件”页面框,在”本地路径”框中输入你新的Cmd 初始路径;4、重新启动系统,Cmd路径已经改变。参考资料:<a href=...
You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this procedure. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may prevent you from completing this procedure. Configuring system failure and recovery options ...
Open an elevated command prompt. Typecmdin theSearchbox. In the search results, right-clickCommand Prompt, and then selectRun as administrator. If you are prompted for confirmation or an administrator password, type the password, or clickAllow. ...
2. Open an elevated CMD prompt as an administrator. 3. Run: SCHTASKS /create /tn <some task name> /xml <path to xml file> Where you provide a real task name and XML file. For example: SCHTASKS /create /tn RemoteAsSystem /xml c:tempRaS.xml ...
Open an elevated command prompt. Typecmdin theSearchbox. In the search results, right-clickCommand Prompt, and then selectRun as administrator. If you are prompted for confirmation or an administrator password, type the password, or clickAllow. ...
Launch the command prompt as administrator and run gpupdate /force. Finally once the policy gets updated, re-run the installer. In my case after performing the above steps, I did not see the error again. Fix System administrator has set policies – Registry Method ...
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver X for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'CONTOSO\BobD'. Reason: Server is in single user mode. Only one administrator can connect at this time. Mixed Mode (optional):If your SQL Server instance is running in mixed authentication mode, you can also:...