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E elektronike diacheirise tes tekmerioses ton anastelotikon ergon Akropoleos sta ergotaxia ton mnemion TT - The information system for the documentation of the Acropolis restoration projectMallouchouTufano, FAlexopoulos, GLempidaki, E
外观看起来就像阴茎穿了个“高领毛衣”。 指包皮口太狭小,或包皮与阴茎头黏连,把丁丁全身包裹得严严实实,没法翻转到冠状沟以上。可以理解成阴茎头穿了颈口很小的毛衣,小得阴茎头根本无法穿进去。 简单来说,包皮过长和包茎的主要区别在于...
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Reserve service providing system, device and method the present invention relates to a kind of taxi calling a kind of taxi calling be provided and reserve in operation system, and to recording medium recording have one for identical. Taxi calling, which reserves business and provides its of ...
As a result, a taxi does not have to return to a garage to collect and manage daily account information whenever drivers take turns, and thus, efficiency in running taxis can be improved.;COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015LEE, JAE CHEONGKR
Taxi vacancytaxi demandduration analysisparametric duration modelaccelerated failure time modelcase studyTaxi vacancy duration is a major efficiency measure for taxi services. A clear understanding of the various factors and their effect on vacancy duration is necessary for the optimal operational management...
This study attempts to locate charging stations for electric taxis reflecting real-world taxi travel patterns identified from taxis equipped with digital tachographs. Data for one week are processed in order to estimate their charge demand. The estimated temporal distribution of charge demand indicates ...
Taxi Down the Runway, Lift OffCERN Document ServerWebSearchCERN Document ServerMona Schweizerdoi:10.1080/1551806X.2013.768917AdedjoumaDavidaTaylor & Francis GroupPsychoanalytic Perspectives
Airport Taxi ServiceTaxi OperationsTaxi TechnologiesAirports play a strategic role in economic development of cities and provide connectivity between business and commercial centers. Taxicab operations play a crucial role in determining the overall efficiency of an airport's ground transportation system. ...