Open your eyes to a breakthrough comfort technology with Systane® Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops. Systane® Ultra elevates the science of dry eye therapy to a new level. From first blink, eyes feel lubricated and refreshed. Feel the difference in dry eye relief with Systane® Ultra. Systane...
Systane® ULTRA Lubricant Eye Drops for dry eyes may provide lasting relief and protection from the symptoms of dry eye. Learn more at Systane.
Systane® ULTRA Lubricant Eye Drops provides fast-acting relief for dry eye due to environmental conditions. Learn more at
Open your eyes to a breakthrough comfort technology with Systane® Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops. Systane® Ultra elevates the science of dry eye therapy to a new level. From first blink, eyes feel lubricated and refreshed. Feel the difference in dry eye relief with Systane® Ultra. Systa...
SYSTANE® HYDRATION Preservative-Free Eye Drops Long-lasting hydration helps restore moisture to dry eyes with the soothing, preservative-free relief of HydroBoost technology. LEARN MORE SYSTANE® ULTRALubricant Eye Drops Clinically proven to deliver extended protection for high-performance dry eye ...
經常使用人工淚液,能有效紓緩眼乾症狀。 尋找最適合你的適然®產品。 紓緩眼乾眼藥水 不含防腐劑眼藥水 眼瞼護理 紓緩眼乾眼藥水 適然® 高清滋潤眼藥水 (不含防腐劑配方) 速效配方不含防腐劑,能有效紓緩由長時間使用屏幕、空氣質素及季節性問題2,3等環境因素引起的眼乾症狀。
Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops,来自Alcon公司,是一款专为干眼症设计的滴眼液。它的颜色呈乳白色,质地如同牛奶,与普通清澈的干眼症滴眼液截然不同。对于因泪腺阻塞或功能紊乱导致的干眼症状,这款滴眼液具有显著的缓解和改善作用。💧 产品规格 每盒包含3支10ml的滴眼液。🔍...
Because life is too busy for dry, tired, irritated eyes, that may be caused by environmental factors such as screen time, air quality, and dry air, humidity, or dust, keep Systane® ULTRA PRESERVATIVE-FREE on standby. With Systane® ULTRA PRESERVATIVE-FREE Lubricant Eye Drops, you’ll ...
SYSTANE ULTRA LUBRICANT EYE DROPS 10ML 分享 ALCON SYSTANE ULTRA LUBRICANT EYE DROPS 10ML 价格:S$23.85 ~约 ¥124.02 总优惠额:~约 ¥58.04 预计樟宜奖励计划积分: 赚20 积分 该商品不符合促销码使用条件 提货点 旅客用户 非旅客用户 离境 抵达 新加坡境内派送服务 凡乐天及新罗免税店所销售的产品,您可在...