If you suffer from dry, tired, or irritated eyes, Systane® lubricant eye drops and gels have you covered. From preservative-free to severe and nighttime relief—each formula is designed to keep your eyes lubricated and comfortable, providing lasting dry eye relief when you need it most. EXP...
Learn about Systane® eye drops and eye care products that may bring you dry eye symptom relief. Find the Systane® product that is right for you today.
Systane® ULTRA OHNE KONSERVIERUNGSMITTEL bietet SCHNELLE LINDERUNG1-3 der Symptome Trockener Augen: Benetzt die Augenoberfläche sofort1,2 Bietet eine schnelle Linderung1-3 bei trockenem Auge aufgrund von umweltbedingten Faktoren1 (z.B. lange Bildschirmnutzung, Luftqualität und/oder jah...
Systane补水可以根据需要全天使用。在受影响的眼睛中滴入1或2滴,然后眨眼。它也适用于软性隐形眼镜。 🆚 与Systane ULTRA的比较: Systane补水相对于Systane ULTRA提供了更持久的润湿效果。 📏 注意事项: 具体的使用说明、注意事项、警告和禁忌请咨询您的医疗保健或眼科专业人员。 如果您出现干眼症状,考虑尝试Systane...
Systane因真菌污染被召回 【侨报】知名眼药水品牌Systane因真菌污染被召回 一款广受欢迎的眼药水品牌因可能受到污染而在全美范围内被召回。 据纽约邮报报道,位于得克萨斯州的Alcon实验室,正在自愿召回 Systane润滑眼药水Ultra P-F,此举源于...
family of products with specially designed formulations for all types of patients’ Dry Eye needs. Find the Systane® solution that is right for your patient, depending on their symptoms and underlying causes. Also, learn more about Systane® ...
Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops,来自Alcon公司,是一款专为干眼症设计的滴眼液。它的颜色呈乳白色,质地如同牛奶,与普通清澈的干眼症滴眼液截然不同。对于因泪腺阻塞或功能紊乱导致的干眼症状,这款滴眼液具有显著的缓解和改善作用。💧 产品规格 每盒包含3支10ml的滴眼液。🔍...
FAST-ACTING relief for dry eye due to environmental conditions and screen use Because life is too busy for dry, tired, irritated eyes, that may be caused by environmental factors such as screen time, air quality, and dry air, humidity, or dust, keep Systane® ULTRA PRESERVATIVE-FREE on ...
systane.com If you are not satisfied with Systane Lubricant Eye Drops, return the unused portion with proof of purchase to Alcon Laboratories for a full refund. Instill 1 or 2 drops in the affected eye(s) as needed. Other information: Store at room temperature ©2007-2009 Alcon, Inc. ...