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Afterwards, considering the importance of this field of research, several works succeeded to develop a rectenna made up of a reception antenna followed of a system of rectification in order to improve the conversion efficiency AC-DC. This improvement is due primarily to the Schottk...
Legislation as TopicHealth Care ReformChinaRare diseases and legislation in China. By - Jing-Bo Wang, Jeff J Guo, Li Yang, Yan-De Zhang, Zhao-Qi Sun, Yan-Jun Zhangdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60240-1Emmanuel BEAUDOINGDaniel GAUTHERET...
The responses, very promising, are presented with the system structure and its technical content.Key words: expert system, design, spillway, hydraulics.Benoît RobertMohamed TalebClaude Marchecanadian journal of civil engineering
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For the known species Ga 2 Cl 6 , GaCl 3 and GaCl selection was performed by comparing previous experimental values with our own Raman spectrometric determinations. For the unidentified species Ga 2 Cl 4 , Ga 2 Cl 2 and GaCl 2 frequency values were evaluated from theoretical literature ...
Stroot, PhilippeDépartement de Chimie physique de l'Université de Genève, 22, Bd. des PhilosophesBurger, UlrichDépartement de chimie organique de l'Université de Genève, 30, quai de l'Ecole‐de‐MédecineWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta...