Hi, Sure, you can do that. In principle, you would need to have 3 things: The project should reference the unit test framework viaVisualGDB Project Properties -> Unit Tests. Even if you don’t end up using the actual framework, simply having it referenced there will make VisualGDB look f...
Hello all, I would like to debug an STM32 by using a Blackmagic Probe wifi (a fork of the flipper zero debug). But I don’t find any way to set configuration of the debug tool on VisualGDB. I need to choose “Full-custom mode”, “Custom GDB Stub” or other ? And what is need...
In order to support images, styles or multiple pages, the HTTP server includes a tool packing the served content into a single file (along with the content type for each file). The file is then embedded into the image, and is programmed together with the rest of the firmware. You can ...
The easy way to check is by usingBlueScreenViewtool. If true, I'd compress it into.zipand just upload it here. Some passing-by folks might take a peek at it later, and probably offer some insights. PS. Also mentioning the affected GPUs might help too. Hey guys, my mom's PC is get...
Sure, why not? SMP/E is just a tool. It's not like they can end life as we know it with a keystroke. That said, SMP/E, well, any software support for that matter requires some degree of 'sysprog' level skills. The one person in that group may ...
–ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: unset –ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: unset –Product location: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\sw\mappings –Toolchain location: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\bin –Selected tool variant: mdk_lite armclang.exe: error: ARM Compiler does not support ‘–target=arm-arm-none-eabi’ Did I do something ...
Although this technique works, manually entering variable addresses into OpenOCD would be a productivity nightmare. So I designed a neat tool window that does it automatically once you enter the variable name: It works pretty fast, especially afterpatchingOpenOCD to read multiple memory regions in ...
Please note that VisualGDB is a productivity tool for software developers. It can make developers more productive by providing convenient GUI for common time-consuming tasks, and integrating various external tools into Visual Studio, so that they are always a few mouse clicks away. ...
With VisualGDB 5.2 you can tweak your project without opening a modal “VisualGDB Project Properties” dialog. Instead simply open a .vgdbsettings file from Solution Explorer and VisualGDB will display it just like a normal document: Hit ‘Ctrl-S’ or click “Save” on the toolbar to instantl...
Participant Hello, I need to preprocess a file that’s part of a project with a custom build tool, as the OP mentionned, the “custom build tool” properties that’s there for files in a regular VS project do not show up when it’s a VisualGDB project. ...