2.3.1 活动图(Activity diagram)活动(activity)用来描述系统的输入,输出和控制的流动,也包括这些协调这些流动的条件,其实很类似于我们常见的流程图。 2.3.2 序列图(Sequence diagram)在序列图中一个重要的概念是Message,我在工作中听到对它的一个专业翻译“报文”。而序列图其实就是就是基于接收和分发报文来执行动作...
2.3.1 活动图(Activity diagram) 活动(activity)用来描述系统的输入,输出和控制的流动,也包括这些协调这些流动的条件,其实很类似于我们常见的流程图。 2.3.2 序列图(Sequence diagram) 在序列图中一个重要的概念是Message,我在工作中听到对它的一个专业翻译“报文”。而序列图其实就是就是基于接收和分发报文来执行...
2.3.1 活动图(Activity diagram) 活动(activity)用来描述系统的输入,输出和控制的流动,也包括这些协调这些流动的条件,其实很类似于我们常见的流程图。 2.3.2 序列图(Sequence diagram) 在序列图中一个重要的概念是Message,我在工作中听到对它的一个专业翻译“报文”。而序列图其实就是就是基于接收和分发报文来执行...
SysML 活动图(Activity Diagram) 活动图是能够用来传达系统动态行为信息的三种SysML图之一。活动图可以表示各种各样的活动,甚至可以描述复杂的行为。对象节点可以通过活动对事件、能力和数据的流建模,使用控制节点可以掌控活动的执行。活动分区可以为系统结构分配系统行为。 1、目的 活动图是一种行为图,它是系统的一种...
Ready to try your hand at making a UML diagram in Lucidchart? We’ve built a tutorial to help, whether you want to create your own diagram from scratch or use a Lucidchart template. Our UML diagram tutorial will help you make a custom diagram or get a jumpstart with a template...
Requirement diagram is a useful tool for recording, describing and organization both functional and non-functional requirements of a system. In addition, you can describe how the requirements will be verified with test cases. In this tutorial, we will create a requirement, and then add test ...
SysML Diagram Summary The SysML diagram types are identified in Figure 2 and summarized below.Refer to theOMG SysML Tutorialfor an overview of the language or theAPL MBSE with SysMLcourse material for a more detailed description.(Note: Because these are large files, it is recommended that yo...
OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML^) Tutorial Systems Modeling Language, or SysML, defines several elements to describe and model requirements, such as response times, size, or functions of a system, which means that it closes a gap in UML. While functional requirements can be model.....
This tutorial explores why an Operational Concept document is written, what the Operational Concept is, and how it can be effectively applied on your project through use case & scenario descriptions and SysML diagramming. Tutorial includes a workshop format to apply lessons learned and discuss ...
Add children parts on a SysML Internal Block Diagram with Enterprise Architect This is a short tutorial to add a part's child on a SysML Internal Block Diagram with Enterprise Architect modelling tool. It uses the current version 15 of Enterprise Architect (EA), however the same process shoul...