Our XN-L Series™ of instruments offers expanded clinical and operational values to lower volume labs. With a six-part differential on every sample and common user interface, reagents and controls, this compact analyzer provides the powerful technology and standardized testing your lab needs. ...
Featuring a high-performance and modular design, the XN-Series enables any lab to configure a perfect fit for changing needs. No matter your laboratory’s size or setting, the XN-Series offers something for everyone. Explore XN-L Series™ ...
SYSMEX XN-L series XN-530 XN-430 XN-330 通用说明书
4L×2 42ml×2 1.5L×2 12ml×2 12ml×2 1.5L×2 12ml×2 4.0ml×20 希森美康XN-L系列 血细胞分析仪 稀释液 溶血剂 SLS 溶血剂 WDF 染色液 WDF DYE 网织红稀释液 网织红染色液 清洗液 20L 500ml×3 2L 42ml 1L 12ml 50ml 留言咨询
Sysmex XN-L-550 全自动血细胞分析仪性能验证及评价 [J].48 • 医疗卫生装备 , 2019 , 40 ( 6 ): 48-51.Sysmex XN-L-550 全自动血细胞分析仪性能验证及评价何文军 , 钟伟国 , 李曼( 广州中医药大学第二附属医院 ,, 广东省中医院 ,, 广州 510370 ))[ 摘要 ] 目的 :对 Sysmex XN-L-550 ...
0.42% and -0.95%respectively, which were all lower than allowable deviations; the results by Sysmex XE-5000 and Sysmex XN-L-550 analyzers as well as by auto and manual sampling were all comparable; Sysmex XN-L-550 analyzer had the reference intervals and linear range meet t...
VILT or e-Learning courses and there are no limits to the number of times VILT or e-Learning courses can be revisited.XN-330™, XN-350™, XN-430™, XN-450™, XN-530™ & XN-550™ Continuum of education Find out more: www.sysmex.com/us/en/education XN-L SERIES ...
甘肃省中医院现对sysmex XN550-L血细胞分析仪配套试剂耗材项目以单一来源形式采购。该项目于2023年7月24日至7月26日在医院网站进行单一来源公示,公示结束未收到任何质疑,现发布单一来源采购公告,欢迎符合条件的供应商前来参加。 一、项目名称:sysmex XN550-L血细胞分析仪配套试剂耗材 ...
sysmex XN550-L血细胞分析仪配套试剂耗材属于检验科设备专用耗材,生产企业为:希森美康医用电子(上海)有限公司;其授权:兰州科圣医疗器械有限公司,为该产品在甘肃省中医院唯一代理商。 六、拟定的唯一供应商:兰州科圣医疗器械有限公司。 七、公示期限: 自2023年7月24日至7月26日,有关单位或个人如对本项目采用单一来...