摘要 目的评价UF-4000全自动尿有形成分分析仪性能。评价两种方法学检测尿中红细胞(RBC)、白细胞(WBC)计数结果的一致性,为本实验室建立比对方案提供依据。方法依据CNAS-CL02-A002:2018《医学实验室质量和...展开更多 Objective To evaluate the performance of UF-4000 automated urine sediment analyzer,and to ...
Urinary sediment analyzer has good recognition analysis for urine formed elements,but for the actual work or some special specimens, manual microscopy identification is needed.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2013.04.010应骏上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院郭维上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院马继荣上海交通大学医学...
关键词:尿沉渣分析仪; 临床应用; 仪器间比对中图分类号: R-331 文献标识码:AAnExplorationonPerformanceandComparisonMethodofSysmexUF5000UrineSedimentAnalyzerJINJing1,YANGQiong2,WUWei1(1.DepartmentofClinicalLaboratory,Peking UnionMedicalCollegeHospital,ChineseAcademyofMedicalSciences&Peking UnionMedicalCollege,Beijing...
2 000 urine samples were determined by UF-1000i automated urinary sediment analyzer and microscopy. The results were contrasted, and the reasons of false positive in UF-1000i analyzer were analyzed.Results When using Sysmex UF-1000i analyzer,the detecting sensitivities of white blood cell (WBC),...
【关键词】 UF‐1000i全自动尿沉渣分析仪; 性能评价; 精密度; 准确度; 携带污染率; 线性范围; 生物参考区间DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672‐9455.2015.06.020文献标志码:A文章编号:1672‐9455(2015)06‐0770‐03PerformanceevaluationoffullyautomaticurinesedimentanalyzerSysmexUF‐1000i FANGWen‐dan,GANZhi‐zhong,HUANG...
[Key words] urinary sediment analyzer;urine;supplementary reagent 现今Sysmex(日本东亚)尿沉渣分析仪配套试剂一般为原厂提供或由国内生产 企业 采用进口试剂分装,故试剂成本较高且供货周期较长。部分国产试剂虽然价格相对便宜,但一般稳定性较差,以上原因制约了 医院 检验科尿常规检测尿沉渣计数分析项目的开展[1,2]。
Objective To study the effect of applying the self-designed sheath fluid containing poloxamer to UF-100 uric sediment analysor. 目的:探讨含有泊洛沙姆的自制鞘液在Sysmex UF-100尿液沉渣分析仪上的应用情况。4) UF-100 urinary sediment analyzer UF-100尿沉渣分析仪 例句>> 5...
Manual microscopy in urine sediment analysis has become obsolete after the introduction of efficient automated urine analyzers. It is still respected as the gold standard but apparently the straggle between automation and manual examination seems to be over in clear advantage of machines. The instruments...
A Research on Reference Range of RBC Parameters withSysmex UF-100Urine Sediment Analyzer; Sysmex UF-100检测儿童和成人红细胞4项参数参考值范围的对比研究 2) Sysmex UF-100 automated flow cytometer CX40相差显微镜 1. Objective To evaluate the values of combined detection for distinguishing glomerular hema...
(red blood cell, white blood cell, epithelial cell, tubular type) was detected on Sysmex UF500i automatic urine formed component analyzer by using domestic brand open reagent instead of the original matching reagent, the intra-batch precision, inter-batch precision, carry pollution rate, linear ...